Tuiren's Gotcha Day!!!

My good friends Pipo, Dalton & Benji and their Petcretary Ingrid made me this lovely card. Mom loves the smile I have on my face in the picture and I just love everything about the card. Thank you so much Pipo, Dalton & Benji and Petcretary Ingrid.

I am a very happy girl and Mommy has promised me a walk today. I hope you will join me on our walk and I have TWO wishes. First I wish every cat and dog had a loving home, if you can please consider adopting a cat or dog. And secondly I wish that every cat and dog got heartworm PREVENTION so no other pet has to go through what I did. You can read about that here.

I also have another request I know that some of you can't adopt a dog or cat right now for various reasons and I do understand but maybe you could to this. Shelters are asking people to invite pets to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with them, you can read about it here

I think we should grab a slice of cake (sweet potato cake with cream cheese icing and milk bones)  before we go on our walk and please help yourself to your choice of  bone broth or milk. ~Tuiren, the Gotcha Day Girl celebrating @ ATCAD


easyweimaraner said...

happy gotcha day to youuu!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tuiren!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Gotcha day Turien!!
We are happy that you are healthy and well.
WE wish all cats and dogs had good homes and living conditions.
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Lone Star Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!

Kea said...

Happy Gotcha Day from us!

Nicki and Derry

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tuiren! You sure were lucky the day you walked into your new families home. We will be right over for some of that delicious looking cake.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy Gotcha day! We're so glad you got gotted!

Duke said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tuiren! Your cake is so pretty and looks so yummy!

Eastside Cats said...

Tuiren, wishing you the happiest of Gotchversaries!

Timmy Tomcat said...

A very Happy Gotcha Day Tuiren! May you have many more dear friend

Sandee said...

♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Tuiren,♪♫
♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

Have a woof woof Gotcha Day. ♥

Summer at said...

Happy gotcha day, Tuiren!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tuiren, and many more to come. That is one delicious cake you have there.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Cupcake said...

Happy Gotcha Day, T. Your Gotcha Day wishes are warm and sincere. I join you in wishing the same for all doggies and kitties. Each Gotcha Day is such a blessing. Enjoy it, sweetie. You are right where you belong!

Love and licks,

catladymac said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tuiren - and many more !

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tuiren!

pilch92 said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day cutie! That cake looks great.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Happy Gotcha Day. That's a great cake.

Loulou said...

Num, num, that was one heckuva cake! I had to pass up the milk bones, however, but the milk was delicious.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy belated Gotcha Day, Tuiren!

jank1961 said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tuiren!! What a sweet idea to have pets spend Thanksgiving with people. We hope you had a very special day. ♥
Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Good thing we sent you your card early, cause see how late we are in coming by?? Yikes!

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Tuiren!

Maybe we might find a crumb or two from that yummy cake??

We have never heard about a shelter program like that.
How cool!
Too bad petcretary is working on Thanksgiving, else we could do something fun like that...