Yang Dreaming of A White Christmas

 I am dreaming of a White Christmas.

 Or any Christmas for that matter. Due to remodeling Christmas Decorating was canceled at our house.

 We don't even have a tree for me to sit under.

 I am very sads about it.

 Seems like all the Holidays got canceled this year due to remodeling. No Thanksgiving Decorations (which I really don't care about) and No TURKEY (which I do care about as we get a taste).  And Now no Christmas, I hope we get to have Holidays in 2020.

 Anyway I got Mom to dig out these never seen before photographs from 2018.

 And I'll just pretend real hard that the house looks like this today.

 Can Santa come if you don't have a tree?

Yang, dreaming about Christmas for ATCAD


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We bet Sandy Claws visits even iffen ya dont have a tree.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Well, that's a bummer, Yang!

Zoolatry said...

Creative Mom will make snow ... make a tree ... make purrty decorations and surely she'll also make some "real" turkey for the special day!
Enjoy ... happy Christmas.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Awwww, but you are a wonderful Christmas decoration!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We hope your remodeling is done soon. We know you will have the feeling of the season in any case

Millie and Walter said...

We're sure Santa will find you even if you don't have a tree in your house. You could come to our house but it looks like we aren't having a white Christmas this year as it will be a balmy 46 degrees on Christmas day. Today it's going to be in the low 50's and will melt all the remaining snow we have.

Sandee said...

Awww, you're adorable and I'm sure you're going to get lots of wonderful things from Santa.

Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your peeps and Merry Christmas. ♥

Cupcake said...

Don't worry, Y. Santa can ALWAYS come - even with no decorations and pics of last year's tree. Holidays are fun and yummy with new stuff, but the cuddles and kisses are the best part.

Love and licks,