Friends and Faimly Friday with Miss Yin & Miss Scylla

Miss Yin came to see what I was up to.

She likes nip toys as much as I do.

Nip glorious nip!!!

Mom loves the socks and T-shirt, and us cats love everything else. Big thank you to The Cat on My Head for this GREAT prize.

For some reason the humans got a laugh out of this plastic top that keeps your food fresh. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD with Miss Yin


Summer at said...

What fun toys! My human thinks the lids are funny too.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What a lot of great things for all of you! And that lid made petcretary giggle too:)

Mickey's Musings said...

Pawsome toys you got Scylla!
We can see you enjoy them as does little Miss Yin :)
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Eastside Cats said...

Yes, kitties...your humans are all into your pooplogs and peeballs!

Millie and Walter said...

That top is funny. It sure looks like you kitties were enjoying those nip toys. We wish there was a nip for dogs too.

pilch92 said...

Those are great gifts. The can cover is funny.