The Supreme Ruler of the Universe & Fenris Friday

 Hello, I have a bone to pick with Mom she got a Birthday LUNCH for her birthday. What did I get??? A Birthday BATH!!! Do you think that was fair? Just because she thinks going to the spa is all great and wonderful doesn't mean I want to do that for my birthday. I even got some blueberry gook put on my face. Yep she gave me a facial. Mom, you may not have noticed but I AM A BOY DOG. We don't do facials.

 And now she is cutting my head off.

 You might not have realized these were old pictures of me cept this toy has been AWOL forever.

 Now I never knew him but Socks used to talk about him all the time, This is Whiskers the Wonder Cat aka The Supreme Ruler of the Universe.

 He was a handsome tuxedo boy, aka Catfish.

 And apparently turning their hind legs into goal post is a Mancat thing.

Whiskers was also very fond of boxes. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

MOL! I (iza) do the goal post legs thing all the time. I LOVE to sleep on my back and my legs just naturally float up!

Loulou said...

I’m sure that Whiskers and I are distant or were distant cousins and he was certainly a beautiful Tuxie. Supremely beauteous.

Millie and Walter said...

Whiskers was a cutie but you're the most handsome Fenris. I bet you smelled great after your bath and facial.



Sandee said...

Boys can have spa days too. Even facials. Look how handsome you are.

Have a woof woof day and weekend. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

"hind legs into goal post" pose is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Blueberries on your face!? GAH! I tried to eat a blueberry once. I found out it was NOT cheese. I chewed it and spit it on the rug.

Love and licks,

pilch92 said...

Whiskers was a cute kitty.

Zoolatry said...

Fenris ... we here shall deem you to be "supreme dog ruler of the blueberry universe" ...

You smell good, you look good, you are Supreme ... and you deserve the title!