Sleeping Sunday Selfie

 I hope this works as a selfie, I am just tuckered out. Mom says I looked cute curled up in my bed. BOL I finally got a dog bed I LOVE, but Mom had to get TWO of them so I could actually sleep in it. And it still gets stolen from me (Chimera likes to sleep in it) . Mom was going to get Tui a Medium size one, but since she kept getting in MINE she got her an extra large one too. at this point in time the bedrooms were being remodeled. How do I know because our beds are in the study. It was really crowded in here but all the bedroom furniture was in the Family Room. And in case we haven't shown you before that flowery thing in back of me is the file cabinet Mom redid all by her lonesome.

 Tuiren is very annoying she always gets the bed I want to be in.

The cats enjoyed the mess that was the Family Room. Mom says Yang is in there somewhere. Mom thought it was funny how they were sleeping all in a row. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Millie and Walter said...

Those beds you have sure look comfy. Everyone looks very happy all snuggled up in a row.

meowmeowmans said...

Those are some great easy like Sunday selfies, gang!

Eastside Cats said...

The Hubby complains too, that some cat is in 'his' chair!
But he wasn't in it at the time...

The Island Cats said...

You sure look comfortable, Fenris.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You look like you could be in a Norman Rockwell painting

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Dalton: Wow, doggies are the same everywhere it seems...Benji keeps stealing MY bed...and sometimes even Pipo gets on it...sheesh. So them I go into the crate bed (there is no door on it), and then the silly big oaf wants to get int here with me. we have a tussle and then we each get into the correct beds, BOL!

You furry ones are cute, and we are glad you are able to do remodeling. Right now, here inside construction cannot happen, well if its done by others that get paid.