It was windy here yesterday. We spent a little time outside since it was warm but it was so windy it knocked over Daddy's tomato plants.
Daddy finally figured out me and Scylla are friends. See Daddy has always thought Scylla was afraid of me (she isn't but she is a Drama Queen) she pretends to be afraid of me, and sometimes we play chase, but Daddy caught her trying to steal my food and then when she wanted on the couch she stepped right on top of me to get there.
Mom told Daddy she should have seen the disgusted look Scylla threw my way when Scylla was out in the back yard and I was too tired to chase her. Or for that matter the day we did play chase but I had to walk so slow in order not to catch her that it was hard to tell who was chasing who. We were (Scylla running) (Fenris walking really slow) "running" around the jungle gym one day back when Scylla was heavier and out of shape. She is pretty fast now so I can kinda run when we play chase. I am not stupid I really really don't want to catch her. Anyway we spend a lot of time together when I am inside. Scylla and I are the oldest of the 4 legs. Scylla is older than me, her and Charybdis were almost 2 when I came to live here. And that is when we started playing chase with each other. See Mom kept me in the Kitchen and Dining Room with a baby gate. Scylla and Charybdis would come up to the gate to visit with me and then Scylla would knock the gate down and I would chase them under Mom's bed. One day Daddy was naughty and closed their bedroom door so I actually corned them in the hall, but I just laid down. Even as a puppy I was smart enough to not actually catch them. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD with assistance from Scylla
Daddy finally figured out me and Scylla are friends. See Daddy has always thought Scylla was afraid of me (she isn't but she is a Drama Queen) she pretends to be afraid of me, and sometimes we play chase, but Daddy caught her trying to steal my food and then when she wanted on the couch she stepped right on top of me to get there.
Mom told Daddy she should have seen the disgusted look Scylla threw my way when Scylla was out in the back yard and I was too tired to chase her. Or for that matter the day we did play chase but I had to walk so slow in order not to catch her that it was hard to tell who was chasing who. We were (Scylla running) (Fenris walking really slow) "running" around the jungle gym one day back when Scylla was heavier and out of shape. She is pretty fast now so I can kinda run when we play chase. I am not stupid I really really don't want to catch her. Anyway we spend a lot of time together when I am inside. Scylla and I are the oldest of the 4 legs. Scylla is older than me, her and Charybdis were almost 2 when I came to live here. And that is when we started playing chase with each other. See Mom kept me in the Kitchen and Dining Room with a baby gate. Scylla and Charybdis would come up to the gate to visit with me and then Scylla would knock the gate down and I would chase them under Mom's bed. One day Daddy was naughty and closed their bedroom door so I actually corned them in the hall, but I just laid down. Even as a puppy I was smart enough to not actually catch them. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD with assistance from Scylla
Well, you cannot let your humans know everything; got to keep them guessing!
It sounds like you two have a sweet relationship. We wish we had kitties to play with too.
I am glad you 2 are friends.
It sounds like you have a cat house filled with love and fun.
Aww, we love that you two are friends, Fenris and Svcylla!
MJF used to be like that with Angels Toki and Minko.
Pipo and the hooligans are not friends like you and Scylla are, sadly; Benji wants to play, but Pipo will not have anything to do with him...and Dalton has to learn a lot about manners.
I'm glad that you two are pals, being the senior members of the four-legged family!
Glad you 2 are pals.
What a sweet pair of furends you two are !
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