Thankful for Siblings

 Fenris you stink!!!

 No, I don't

 Yes you do

 No, I don't. You STINK Scylla, so there!!!

 You aren't going to play with me are you?

 Nope, you play too rough and we can't play chase in the house.

 Besides, Mom says we need to behave like civilized house pets.

You are such a Momma's boy Fenris.

Scylla & Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Scylla never sheaths her claws even when playing with the parents and often draws blood so no one gets especially excited at the idea of play time with Scylla. Mom isn't sure why Scylla doesn't seem to know that she can retract her claws. Scylla's favorite thing to do when annoyed with the Mom is slap her in the face with her claws out drawing blood (she usually catches Mom on the lip). Even though Scylla has some annoying habits we love her a lot.


My GBGV Life said...

Woof, cats and claws can be so dangerous. Thankfully our kitties usually have their retracted, and Mom trims them so they are not needle sharp in case they are out. Play nice you two.

Eastside Cats said...

Scylla is just keeping it real; no mamby pamby claws-in stuffs!
However, it's kind of interesting that she doesn't sheath them...

Mickey's Musings said...

Well, with claws out, we can understand why Fenris does not want to play ;)
Mum is glad we sheath our claws.

Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Millie and Walter said...

We enjoyed watching your conversation. Maybe you could get those little caps you can put on your pets claws so she won't hurt you so much.

We are keeping our paws crossed for Fenris that the cardiologist can help him not have those spells any more.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Watch those sharpies of your beautiful Scylla! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Sandee said...

You two have each other and that's a wonderful thing.

Have a woof woof and purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ♥

Summer at said...

My human has a phrase for this behavior: "Playing for keeps." Fortunately, I don't do this!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

At least you are enjoying eachother's company:)

We have had a few ouchies around here...both the peeps and the pups...MOL!

Kathe W. said...

Oh my not retracting claws could be seriously you ever clip her claws? That's what we do with Lucy- and she patiently allows it! Take care!

Feline Opines, the World from a Feline Point of View said...

MOL, we noticed that Scylla stayed out of that argument. We cats are above petty disputes...unless someone is trying to take our treats, pet us when we want to be alone, sleeping in our favorite spot.........
Purrs & Head Bonks,

pilch92 said...

Neither of you stink. :)

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Wow, you've got power. We would never get away with slapping mom.

Natasha said...

Scylla sounds like Mishka, my cocker spaniel. She is one adorable doll, but has huge temper tantrums too.

Fenris is beautiful too. Is he a Sheep dog?

Lovely post. Thanks for the laughs. But do take care and don't get clawed too much.