Thankful Thursday

 We are thankful for Mom's new couch, it's a great place to snuggle and you may think there are just two cats on the couch but Yang is behind us. There is a very private area on the other side for cats to enjoy.

 We are also thankful Fenris has gone an entire MONTH without an episode and that Tuiren got a good report from the vet when she went yesterday. The stomach bloating is gone so she doesn't need x-rays after all. The vet thinks she was gulping air because of the tonsillitis cause it went away as soon as she got medicine for it.

 Mom was thrilled to get these pictures because you very seldom see me (Chimera) snuggling with anyone. While the other cats tend to hang out with each other I tend to be a loner. Mom thinks maybe it's because when I was a wee baby I didn't have any litter mates to snuggle with.

 Of course Mom says since she carried me everywhere and snuggled me except when she was sleeping or doing housework you would think I would spend all my time in her lap but I am not a lap kitty either. Mom hardly ever sees me. I am Miss Independent.

 As a result when I do want to sit in a lap the humans feel very honored and do their best to get me to choose their laps. I never hear "Not now Chimera" like Scylla and Yin (the lap cats) do.

 Scylla on the other hand is a very needy cat and doesn't like being alone at all. She always wants to snuggle with someone. So today I decided to oblige.

 At least until Mom came to sit down for a bit, then I decided to take Fenris' bed away from him. Well it's very comfy. And honestly I left him enough room to share.

MOL do you know who this is? Is it me (Chimera) or Scylla? ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD with Fenris & Scylla


Smudge said...

Aww, y'all do look so cozy snuggled up together like that.

My GBGV Life said...

How nice of your mom to buy you all a new couch. It looks very cozy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You girls look mighty cozy on that nice new couch! I'm glad that Fenris and Tuiren got a good report. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Eastside Cats said...

I've tried to figure out which is which and who is who, but Chimera and Scylla are too similar to figure out which one is in the last photo! I give up!

Millie and Walter said...

How cute you all are all snuggled up together. That's great news about Tuiren and we are keeping our paws crossed for no more episodes for Fenris either.

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Good news, I'm glad everyone is doing better. You sure look like a professional snuggler there, maybe it will happen more often?

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy Thankful Thursday!! We are glad that you some good news from the vet. Your mom's new couch looks very comfortable and we love you enjoying some snuggle time together. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
World of Animals

Sandee said...

Lots of thankful things, but I laughed out loud with the cat stealing the dogs bed. That's exactly how cats roll.

Have a woof woof and purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are happy to hear that Fenris and Tuiren are both doing well. Chimera, you seem to be quite skilled at that snuggling.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

pilch92 said...

Those are great shots. I didn't see two of you at first.

Mickey's Musings said...

You do look quite cozy and comfy on the couch.
Maybe having you are getting used to other cats being around so much in the home ;)
Happy snuggles ;)
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Summer at said...

Chimera, I totally recognize your markings in that last photo!

catladymac said...

Scylla - you - a calico - independent ? What a surprise !

Glad both dogs got good news !

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

There is nothing better than the new couch smell

jank1961 said...

Wait, didn't you say that was Mom's new couch? It looks more like the cats' new couch to us! :)
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Snuggles are great, be they in a comfy spot, or on a warm lap....or in a doggy nest, MOL!!!
I do think that is Chimera in the window?

Hooray for good news regarding the woofies.