Meowing on Monday with Mancat Yang & Miss Scylla

I am devoted to my kittens. (They aren't actually mine I just adopted them). MOL who knew Yang would get so huge, he was such a tiny little thing when Mom brought the Yoga Kittens home.

I like having the other cats near me when I sleep.

Unlike Chimera who always wants to social distance.
Although perhaps it would be better not to have stinky feet in my face.

Mom got this last year when it was on sell after Christmas, this is the first time she got to use it.

I love looking at the tree.

Mom has a thing for Christmas trees.

We certainly had enough of them this year. The teal one out of pinecones was my favorite. That was another after Christmas find last year. Mom says she doesn't think after Christmas shoppers will fare as well this year as almost everything was sold out before Christmas.

Fenris wanted to say hi to Millie so I said he could. 

 And Tuiren wanted to say hi to Walter. ~Scylla, Fenris & Tuiren reporting for ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hi, Y'all!!

Nice series of pics, and stinky tootsies would not be our idea of a good way to sleep either, LOL!

Mickey's Musings said...

Scylla, it is nice to have a sleeping buddy :)
The decorations are quite nice too.Christmas is a really pretty time of year.
Too bad it's over. Happy New Year!
Purrs, Julie

Millie and Walter said...

We are saying "Hi" right back at you, Tuiren and Fenris. You two are looking great today. Those kitties sure are lucky to get to sleep in the big bed like we do. Sometimes one of us ends up with a stinky foot in our face too. BOL!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Good seeing you all in this New Year that will be oh so much better. Hey watch those feeties!

Sandee said...

Sleeping kitties are wonderful. I had a cat that followed me everywhere. When I went to bed she did too. We slept together every single night. I loved that cat.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looking good sweeties! Love ya Scylla!

catladymac said...

Sleeping with those little toe touches is just wonderful !

Eastside Cats said...

We are always amazed at the sleeping positions of cats!

pilch92 said...

You are a sweetie. I love all your trees and Christmas decorations.

Summer at said...

Happy new year to you and your family, Scylla!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

They are so cute snuggled up in opposite directions.