Sunday Selfie With Miss Yin


This picture was taken in May and we sure are looking forward to Spring. We had a few days the early part of February that made us thing SPRING. Mom was really lucky her birthday turned out to be SUNNY and in the 70s her and Daddy got to go to a restaurant and eat outside. Mom has always liked eating outside when it was warm enough but most of the rest of the family prefer inside, with Covid everyone wants to be outside. Anyway right after her birthday the FREEZING came, it was down in the 30s here which is very rare. I know some of you Northern kitties and doggies are used to it being much colder but for us it was COLD. Our Grandparents were even without power for awhile due to an ice storm, they live in Central Mississippi. But everything is warming up again, thank CAT. Once it's warmer Mom will tour the property and see what plants survived, a lot of our plants were getting ready to bloom or actually blooming, they thought it was Spring. Anyway, here is my selfie I hope you like it. ~Miss Yin, reporting for ATCAD


Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a very pretty selfie! I'm glad some warm is returning down there, it's warming up here too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We've been reading about a the cold in unexpected places. We hope it warms up soon.

Lovely selfie, Yin!

Tama and Genji

Eastside Cats said...

Yin, it's delightful to see your pretty housepanther face!
Here's hoping everyone hurt or damaged by this weather can quickly get back on their feet.

meowmeowmans said...

Nice selfie, Miss Yin! It's still cold here, but we know spring is coming ... eventually. :)

ZOOLATRY said...

You look so lovely Miss Yin, a true Southern belle! I hope none of your Mama's plants were hurt by the very cold temps because she does some very beautiful gardening, and it would be sad if they were lost to that ...

Timmy Tomcat said...

Looking really great Miss Yin

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You are SO gorgeous, Miss Yin!!

We are glad more ordinary weather is reaching your parts, now. So scary and sad for all those who had to suffer at the hands and whims of the bad weather.

Hope you don't finds too many plants that are frost bitten or worse.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

A belated happy WARM birthday to your mum, and I hope you get some more warm soon!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

You look lovely, Yin. Paws crossed for Spring to come soon!

Millie and Walter said...

That's a great selfie, Yin. We're glad your mom got to go to the restaurant for her birthday.

Mickey's Musings said...

What a lovely selfie Miss Yin.
Good to hear that your temps are going up. As an indoor cat, I do not mind Winter :)
Mum says that our Winter has not been too bad. Any show that has come has been light and fluffy and easy to move. That said, she is looking forward to March ;)
Mickey's Musings

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie. That ice storm affected a lot of people. Glad it is warming up. XO

Summer at said...

30s would be very cold here too. We were lucky to miss the polar event that affected so many of our pals.

Marvelous Marv said...

Miss Yin you look terrific! And we love that photo of you. We want to wish your Mom a belated Happy Birthday! We hope the cold did not kill too many things in your garden. Yes, us cats up here in the great white north still need paths shovelled through the snow to get around as the snow is too deep for us to walk through! We wish you a a marvellously Happy Day!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the picture! And even though I love the snow, I'll confess to also dreaming about warmer weather and going to bed without my socks on -- So anything above 40 works! 😊

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Miss Yin, that is a lovely selfie. You know we LOVE the cold and the snow, the ice not so much, but our Mom doesn't like any of it. We hope all the plants survived the cold.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We used to think we were used to the cold but this year has proven that to be false. We are freezing/

Cupcake said...

Sweet selfie. We are used to the cold around here. I shiver a lot, even though Mom bundles me up. Mom likes to eat outside when it's warm, too. Sometimes she brings me with her. In the pandemic, she eats outside even when she has to wear a parka, a hat, mittens, and wool socks. On the upside, it's hard to burn your mouth on the pizza when it's freezing out! #eatfast

Love and licks,

Timmy Tomcat said...

We love seeing you Miss Yin and what a wonderful Selfie. Purrs to you all to get that warm because that means its on its way. We saw more snow this morning. Yuck.

catladymac said...

What a beautiful selfie Miss Yin ! We are awaiting Spring too !