Flashback Friday (Feb)

The geese were very perturbed about their island being upside down. We didn't see any goslings this year.

Mom likes to weed the flowerbeds in the winter. Good thing because she wouldn't be able to do anything with them now.

Some of our plants are very hardy (especially the weeds) and grow all year. ~ATCAD

PeeS: Mom is very worried about TS Ida. Paws crossed everything is OK.


Millie and Walter said...

There is never any weeding being done in February around here as the ground is usually buried under lots of snow! BOL!

We have our paws crossed that Ida stays away from you all.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

two funnee guyz....we haz veree hardee weedz her all sew !!!!! ☺☺☺☺

984 pawz crozzed ewe all stay safe frum Ida ~~~~~~~♥♥♥

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Now where will the geese endlessly poop?