We want to remember 5 of our angels: Princess, Whiskers, Socks, Squall-n-Baby and Charybdis.
We don't have any digital pictures of Princes, but she looked a lot like Yin except skinnier. But like Yin she was a gorgeous black panther. Princes was adopted from a pet rescue in Ocean Springs, that was driven out of it's location when the casinos came and property taxes went up. She had spent her entire six months of life (her Mom gave birth to her and her litter mates at the rescue) in a cage, when youngest boy choose her to come live with us. When youngest boy and Mom went to the shelter to pick out a cat Yin was the only cat left there. She didn't know how to jump or play when she came home with him. Luckily Whiskers was a kind and friendly cat and made friends with her right away and taught her to be a cat. Sadly she started having seizures and died shortly after coming to live with us.
Most of you probably remember Charybdis, she was Scylla's litter mate. Mom really missed Whiskers after he died from kidney failure and she was trying to find a black tuxedo kitten that looked like him. Scylla & Charybdis were with a foster that was overwhelmed and needed help bottle feeding them (she had several nursing Mom's, PG cats and kittens in her care) none of the nursing Mom's would accept the kittens so they needed humans to bottle feed the 4 orphaned kittens. (their Mom was a feral cat (or likely a cat that was lost during Katerina) that they were trying to catch, she gave birth before they could catch her so they were waiting till they could find the kittens. Unfortunately someone poisoned her and they found her dead where they feed her. So they looked really really hard for the kittens. When they found the 6 kittens two of them had already died. The remaining 4 were split up and Mom took Scylla & Charybdis. Socks accepted them right away but wasn't interested in taking care of them, he left that to Mom. And Dad said if he could name them Mom could keep them so that is how Scylla & Charybdis came to be part of our family.
This is the last picture Mom took of Charybdis she was almost two when she died.
Chimera reminds us of her a little bit.
Daddy found Squall-n-Baby in the parking lot after Cubscouts let out he was covered in poop and had awful diarrhea which is why we think he was abandoned, that and he meowed constantly. We think he was probably taken away from his Mom too young. Luckily Whiskers helped Mom take care of him (For a mancat Whiskers made a really good Momma cat).And now Whiskers the Wonder Cat, he lived with our family for approximately 13 years before he died of kidney failure due to the pet food recall of 2007. Whiskers always welcomed new additions to the family and even brought a few home. He once came home with a dog that the boys named Jello, we helped take care of the dog until his young owners and their Mother could come get the dog after the wicked Step-Mother abandoned the dog when they moved. Mom was very touched that Jello's young owners told their Mother that instead of buying Christmas presents for them she could save her money to rent a house/apartment that allowed pets so Jello could come live with them at their Mom's home. And the oldest one even got a job so he could help pay for Jello's food. Another of our neighbors took care of Jello when he was home and knew the boys which is how we found out his story. Jello just came to visit us when the neighbor that took him in was at work.
Whiskers was a very loving cat and followed Mom and the boys everywhere, and he and Socks were very close. Socks was very lonely when Whiskers died until Scylla & Charybdis came to live with him.
Whiskers was always in the middle of whatever we were doing.
And our darling Socks, that most of you remember.
Socks was a very good big brother to all of us. He taught Fenris to respect the paw and he welcomed Tuiren into our family. When Tuiren first came around and Mom started feeding her, she hesitated to rescue her because she was afraid as a beagle (hunting dog) she wouldn't get along with cats. But one day when Mom was petting Tuiren before she left Socks came and sat down by them and showed Mom that Tuiren was wonderful with cats. Tuiren has her home with us thanks to Socks and Scylla, Yin, Yang and Chimera all learned to be cats from Socks as they were all orphaned at very young ages. And while Socks had no interest in helping groom them he was more then willing to teach them to play and behave like cats.
Precious mempories and wonderful how you helped/adopted them all!
What wonderful tributes to all your angel rescue kitties. We're so grateful that Socks showed your mom that Tuiren could stay with your family.
This is the reason why we have to support rescue/shelters and adopt this wonderful cats no matter where they are from. Whiskers worked hard to give back the love that he was shown and dear Socks, we miss him so. Purrs friends
They were all such precious kitties. Adoptions are just the best for each and every species and we hope it’s the next big thing.
Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your past and present kitties with us and for spreading
the word to adopt kitties. XO
That's a beautiful post. Thank you for rescuing your beautiful angels, and for sharing about them today. And also for helping spread the word about orphan pets. XO
YOu were blessed with some beautiful cats and gave them the best home in the world
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