Sunday Selfie with Tuiren

Daddy has been making jelly out of our Muscadines. 

Our Confederate Roses are blooming.

Blue Sage.

Fenris said that Walter would like it if I did the selfie today and then he took off. 

I was admiring the Ginger Lilies so I told Mom I guess I could lay down and do a selfie.

First I gave her my pensive pose.

Then I tried a neutral look.

Fenris said I should smile, but I just stuck my tongue out at him. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


Summer at said...

Nice art!

meowmeowmans said...

Looking good, Tuiren! How nice that you still have so many flowers blooming at your place.

Millie and Walter said...

That jam looks yummy! Walter loves seeing your pictures, Tuiren. He likes to think that last picture is of you blowing him a kiss.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Well Walter might be right, but don't tell Mom.
Thanks for visiting everyone ~Tui

Erin the Cat Princess said...

We are totally envious of that fine weather you are having and the lovely plants, too. We have snow and cold. As to the selfies, well, we did smsile at the order and the final image, MOL

M Dawson said...

Spring is here but nowhere near as gorgeous as your weather is!

We make jam from our Feijoas and are worried because the trees are excelling themselves this year. We may be jam making too!

Marvelous Marv said...

Tuiren, your selfies are terrific! They are exactly the selfies we would like to take...and your flowers and greaa make us a tad jealous...we have snow and cold!

pilch92 said...

Nice selfies Tuiren. I had to look up that fruit. :)

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You are your roses are both beautiful

Grimoirely said...

Tuiren seems to be enjoying the nice greenery, lovely selfie :) Jam looks amazing too!

Genevieve said...

The tongue-out picture is the best, T. That says it all...

Love and licks,

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I bet that jelly is delish!

Your flowers are so pretty! We have snow, rain, wind and other blech weather...hardly even a sun puddle that lasts for more than 5 minutes!
We laughed at the pics of you and Fenris, Tuiren!