Fenris Update


Fenris went to his regular vet Friday and unfortunately this isn't just Canine idiopathic vestibular disease often referred to as 'old dog vestibular syndrome', there is something neurological going on (he is toe walking on his hind legs) so he has a consult in New Orleans next week (Mom is frustrated we have to wait so long for an appointment). Please purr, POTP that this is something they can TREAT we don't want to lose our sweet boy. We do have a plan in place in case an emergency arises, but also purr POTP that we don't need it. ~Mom & Fenris


The Florida Furkids said...

We'll be purring loud and hard and Mom will be sending prayers for Fenris.

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Fenris! You know all our paws are crossed that the vet can help you feel better. I'm sending you special kisses to you and I hope they bring you comfort.



Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sending prayers and good thoughts for Fenris.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

fenris....de manee blessingz oh st francis two ewe...we hope thiz
other vet can help ewe 100000000000000000000 purrcent ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Purrs and prayers from all of us too sweet Fenris.

The Island Cats said...

I am purring for Fenris. ~Ernie

meowmeowmans said...

We love Fenris, and are purring and praying for you all.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Sending a lot POTP

Loulou said...

Oh, I am so, so sorry, sweet Fenris! And I know that your good vet will find out just what is happening and have a treatment, so until then, try not to walk too much on the toesies. Love from us.

pilch92 said...

I am sorry Fenris is still sick. I am praying for your sweet boy. It is frustrating how long it takes to get in with a specialist. XO

Susan from Bucks County said...

Sending Fenris lots of prayers!!

catladymac said...

Sending Fenris Power of the Paw and also Moose Magic (usually an Elkhound Thing.) And purrayers too.

Genevieve said...

Stay brave Fenny. Mom and I said a prayer for you. We know you will do well. You are in good hands.

Love and licks,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Millie, your kisses are very comforting and I enjoyed them very much.

Moose Magic sounds very strong, so thank you very much for it and everyone thank you for your purrs, POTP and prayers we appreciate them all so much.
~Fenris & Mom

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, dear, we missed this post. Sending a ton of POTP to sweet Fenris and we hope a good outcome will be in the news from your den, soon.