Wordless Wednesday with Yang and Chimera

Mom says I look grumpy but I am not really. Mom also says I am a sweet boy. 

Mom is interrupting the wordless post to point out that I have the longest whiskers, my whiskers are even longer than Yang's. 

 Yang & Chimera, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: We wanted to let you know that often we read your blogs but are unable to comment we are not sure if it is Google, Firefox or Blogger that is to blame. We so far can usually comment on WordPress blogs, Blogger (which is what we use) is iffy. Older blog formats are usually OK, the newer ones unless they allow anonymous comments we can't comment on as for some reason we can't stay signed into Google. It's very aggravating we have to sign into Google every time we want to post or edit a post.But so far Mom hasn't found a way to fix it.


pilch92 said...

Beautiful blooms, but I much prefer seeing you two cuties. XO

Millie and Walter said...

You kitties look like you're enjoying your garden.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We enjoy our garden a lot. MOL lizards like it too. And we love lizards.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Sorry you are having all those troubles with comments...sometimes mine disappear, and then they are in the spam...check comment, and look for the moderation button, then you can publish it...that works for other's comments that you do not see in your own blog, but not sure about the other way round. Sometimes I can't start to write a comment...so I just leave it for a while and do something else on the computer for a few minutes, and then go back, and usually it allows me then. Very strange.

*I* have trouble with a lot of the WordPress blogs, go figure!

Chimera sure is pretty with her LONG whiskers!