We are not exactly sure why we are starting this picture off with a post of flowers (from April no less) but Mom wanted to show you the coral honeysuckle (native plant) and her roses. So we let her.
Tomorrow is the International Day of Friendship. We are lucky our household is mostly a friendly one.
I am a very good dog and get along well with all my siblings. Mom can even feed the cats with me in the room and I just lay real still until they get through eating. I never bother them or disturb them at all. Now once they finish I do try to sneak some cat food before Mom notices but mostly she picks it up before I go over to the food bowls. I still miss Arty Mouse though she was my "special" friend.
Yin & Yang are actual Litter-mates. But sometimes we wonder if Yin would even like Yang if he wasn't her baby brother. We aren't exactly sure what Yang does to hiss her off, but sometimes she hisses every time Yang comes near her. He always looks very baffled and hurt by the hisses (and no it doesn't have anything to do with vet visits) but most of the time they sleep curled up next to each other and touching.
Yang (even as a kitten) has always been smaller than Yin and when they were little he was very sick. So Yin has always looked after him. But they aren't the most bonded pair. Yin is very content to be alone most of the time. She loves hanging out on the back porch swing by herself or with the Mom.

Scylla likes all the kittens, but Yin and Yang are her babies (not biologically but adopted) but Yang is her favorite. Yang and Scylla are the two cats that are most bonded to each other, we bet you didn't guess that. See when Chimera came to live with us as a wee kitten Yin ditched Yang to help Mom, Mother Chimera. She wouldn't let Yang or Scylla near Chimera and was very protective of her. So Yang and Scylla got really close and Scylla started going outside more so she could look after Yang. For some reason Scylla and Yin are both convinced that Yang needs looking after and protecting. And Scylla and Yang don't like being by themselves. Chimera and Yin on the other hand are both loners. In fact it is very rare that you see Chimera with the other cats. Chimera is most bonded with...Me (Fenris dog).

But we all love each other and Yin is a wonderful nurse cat. When Socks was dying she stayed by his side constantly except for brief trips to eat and use the litter box and when she took those brief breaks Chimera stayed with him. He was never alone.
We are very sorry we don't have a picture of Tuiren with us today. We all love her but like Yin and Chimera she is a bit of a loner at times and she loves being outside when the weather is nice, even if the rest of us are inside. Don't worry as soon as Mom is dressed I am going outside to hang out with her. ~Fenris, the dog reporting for ATCAD (with Yin, Yang, Scylla & Chimera)
Sweet friendship photos.
You all do have3 some very close relationships!! Interesting furmily dynamics!
Thanks for visiting everyone. ~ATCAD
Cute photos of everyone hanging out with their friends. XO
Such sweet stories of how you all get along.
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