Caturday Art with Scylla & Fenris

 CK (Cathy Keisha) asked us a very good question last week and we thought we would answer it here. 

Blogger Cathy Keisha said...

Beautiful! Once you get a challenge, how do you come up with the ideas for the themes?

Mom says that is the hardest part. Sometimes the host/hostess will give you examples and ideas other times you are totally on your own. Often Mom uses the pictures she has on hand for inspiration. Thankfully the host are usually willing to accept anything as long as you tried to fit the theme. After all Digital Scrapbooking is all about being creative. Sometimes the challenges don't have themes so you are free to do whatever you wish as long as you use the particular kit, brush, word art etc.

For example the Brush  Challenge didn't have a theme. You just have to use the brush. So Mom colored the brush, the original brushes was just a shadow and then one in white. She used the shadow brush twice to achieve this look. She colored the first shadow one pink and the second shadow one green. The pink one was over the green one so she erased the pink one where she wanted the green to come through and then the white one goes on top, it usually provides the shadowing and definition.   Scylla helped out with the Brush Challenge.

Connie Prince's Mini Kit Challenge. Fenris lent a paw with it.

The Daily Download Challenge.

Signature Challenge the Theme was Spring.

This was another Mini Kit Challenge.

Template Challenge.

Use It All Challenge, you are provided with a Mini Kit and you have to use everything in the kit.

  Word Art Challenge, Fenris has been getting to go on beach walks and walks in our yard so he is feeling like a lucky pup. This one did have a theme and it was something you do every day are at least often. ~Scylla & Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You sure entered a lot of challenges. I recognized a couple from the website I use. Lovely...all of them!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Most of these are from Ginger Scraps. I try to do 10 challenges a month to get the reward. Thanks for visiting. ~Sandra

Millie and Walter said...

We love all the art and think that the last one is the best. Walking with Fenris would make anyone's day better.

meowmeowmans said...

That's so cool! We loved learning more about how you come up with your art for those challenges.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are lovely. Time to Celebrate Life is my favourite.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That was a great question CK asked. You are incredibly creative!

pilch92 said...

These are all beautiful. You are so creative. Have a wonderful Easter. XO

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Beautiful as always!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I enjoy all your mom's creations. She should be proud of them.

Cathy Keisha said...

You put all the pieces together so creatively.

Zoolatry said...

Glad CK asked that question, as we've always wondered too. Of course, we wonder how you find the time to do so many, so well! And so beautifully ...

The J-Cats said...

We always enjoy your wonderful creations, you have such imagination!