Caturday Art ~The Thankful Edition

This is a brush challenge the teacup is the brush. We aren't completely happy with it, but it's the best Mom could do.

Connie Prince's Mini Kit Challenge and we are very thankful we are together. Grandpa got to come home for Thanksgiving. He is supposed to get a lift chair today and we are hopeful that he will be able to stay home. Thanks for understanding we don't have as much time to visit our friends as we would like. We do try to keep tabs on you.

Jumpstart Challenge. Happier days for Mom.

A LAD Challenge, it's the paperclip.

This LAD was the belt buckle.

And this LAD was the charm, Fenris lent a paw and we are happy to report he is doing better.

This LAD was entwining two ribbons.

 Mini Kit Challenge, with Yin & Yang.

And Chimera wants to meow about her scary adventure. OK Wednesday, I was outside and I heard a loud BANG so I ran under the shop. It's my go to place when I get scared and I am too far from the house. The other cats ran in the house. Mom came outside to see what the BANG was and a UPS truck had hit our mailbox after another truck clipped him. Not too scary right. Well then a slew of police cars with lights invaded our yard, one was parked right in front of the shop. By this point Mom had Fenris and the other cats locked inside the house, where they would be safe. But I was stuck under the shop. A whole bunch of police people with guns, lights and police dogs walked around our yard for hours looking for the three people in the truck. Apparently earlier in the day (and it was still daylight when this started)  they had shot a gun at someone. We don't think they were ever in our yard though. Anyway hours later when it was really dark most of the police cars had left except for the one in front of the shop and one in our driveway Mom ventured outside and a very nice policeman walked down to the shop with her and turned off the lights on his car and Mom called me. To her surprise I actually came out with the policeman there, I was really scared and wanted Mom. He was really smart about cats and kept his distance so he didn't scare me and Mom scooped me up and carried me inside where I was safe.Thank you Mr. Policeman.

~Chimera, meowing for ATCAD


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Goodness, that was a scary day! I am glad you were safe under the house though.
The art is all lovely. The frame for the Fall foliage is my favourite.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks for visiting and for your kind words. ~Chimera

The Florida Furkids said...

We always love your artwork. Chimera, that was a VERY scary episode. We're glad you are safe and back inside.

catladymac said...

Wow ! That sure was a scary time Chimera ! We are glad you were brave enough to come out for your Mama, and the policeman was so kind and knew to step back and not be so frightening.

Millie and Walter said...

We love your art today and are happy to hear Grandpa is home and Fenris is feeling better. That sure was quite a scary adventure you had Chimera. We're glad to hear that policeman helped get you back inside.

meowmeowmans said...

Whoa. That was quite the scary to do at your place, Chimera!

We are glad Fenris and Grandpa are doing better. XO

pilch92 said...

Chimera, I am glad you are OK. And I am glad your Grandpa is home again. XO

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, scary is right, Chimera!!
We are glad the news is better for your Grandpa.we sure hope it all works out so he can stay at home.
Good that Fenris, too, is doing better.

Loved all those art layouts and challenges.