Talking on Thursday


Poor Lady we are trying to figure out what to do with her. Mom wants to bring her to our house but she isn't house trained and everyone Mom has talked to seems doubtful that a senior dog like Lady can be house trained. 

It's really hard for Mom & Youngest Boy to spend quality time with her up there. Most of the time they just have time to feed her. 


I get along with her OK when I go up there to visit so Mom thinks I wouldn't mind her coming to live with us too much. But Mom doesn't know what to do about Lady having access to the house. She doesn't want to close off the doggie door because that means I couldn't go in and out as I please, but she doesn't want Lady coming in the house and peeing and pooping either. 

She hopes I could teach her not to use the bathroom in the house and the car. She totally wrecked Mom's car one time on the way home from the vet.

They had to give the chicken's away. We don't have anywhere at our house to keep them.

Mom found them a good home with the guy who lives next door to Grandma & Grandpa. He went with Grandpa to get the hens.

Grandpa was very proud of Dior the Rooster.

Grandpa kept them in a coop at night. When he got sick Mom didn't shut them up because she wasn't sure when she would be able to get up there but they were so well trained that when it started to get dark they went in the coop all by themselves and stayed in it until it got light. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

It IS hard when all the things and beings that belonged to your Grandpa have to be decided over and rehomed, etc.Maybe the doggy door could be made to function electronically so it only opens for the one(s) who have the electronic key on their collar. Poor Lady, she must wonder where her 'boss' is...

Those chickens look amazing, they are all so different looking. The Rooster is handsome!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mom wishes the doggie door was electronic but it isn't and no way to modify it. We are thinking a pen in the backyard for her to stay in at least until Mom and me can teach her not to poop and pee in the house. Mom took Lady in the house to see Grandpa when he was sick, so Mom thinks she kinda knows, that he is gone.

Millie and Walter said...

It may take Lady a while to learn the rules of the house but we think with good care she will come around. Remember how Tuiren was a bit wild when she first showed up at your house? She became a proper house dog in time. We have our paws crossed that you can make it work for Lady. She deserves to experience the comforts of being inside.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that must be so hard on Lady. We hope you can find a good solution for her. She is a beautiful Lady.

Woos - Misty and Timber

pilch92 said...

Poor Lady, that is a tough one. I don't know much about training dogs so I don't know if she could be trained at this point. Nice looking chickens ( and rooaster). XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor sweet Lady, that all has to be really tough on her too.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I think you are doing great with her, better than most