Caturday Art the Shadows Edition with Mom & Fenris

These are all for the Layout A Day at The Studio. This prompt was about using gold foil. Mom & Cousin Sharon were the stars of this page.

This prompt was about using shadows to make it look like your embellishment is coming off the page. Mom learned a new technique for doing this.

This prompt was to scrap a page about YOU. Mom told about her and Fenris.

This prompt was to use wings on your page.

 And this prompt was to create a monochromatic page. Thanks for visiting us. Lady is living with us now so we are all very busy teaching her the rules. ~ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Lovely layouts!! And Fenris looks great with you...a Selfie-Ussie!
Lady is smart, we hope she'll soon be a good citizen at your place.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The art is beautiful as always. I love the Turquoise.

LOULOU said...

Oh, Fenris, that darling doggy. Even I as a kitty can appreciate his wonderfulness.

The J-Cats said...

Beautiful artwork, as always. We love the one with you and Fenris especially.

Millie and Walter said...

What beautiful art. We love the one with Fenris. It's good to hear that Lady is with you now and hopefully will learn the joys of being inside the house when she learns her manners.

pilch92 said...

Beautiful pages. XO

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you everyone. We appreciate your comments and your friendship so much. Your encouraging words have gotten us through some very rough times. ~ATCAD

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Fantastic job, as always

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure is lovely art!