Sunday Reflections

Last year before my Dad got sick I tried my hand at growing Watermelons. Unfortunately they got off to a bumpy start. I forgot to plant them for a few days so they always seemed to be struggling but we did get a few edible watermelons. My life now seems to be divided into before and after. After my husband left me for another woman, after Tuiren died, after my Dad got sick, after my Dad died.

I have to admit me an my youngest son who still lives with me, struggle sometimes with all we have to do now. My Dad did so much for all of us before he got sick. This year I haven't even tried to plant anything.

The roses are doing good.

 The Mums always look nice. 

The Grandkids made me a birdhouse for Mother's Day. A bird enjoyed nesting in there, before the wind knocked it over.

The strawberries have done well.

And the blueberries look like they are going to produce a good crop.

The Grandkids also made me picture frames for Mother's Day.

I like to slice the fresh strawberries up and put them in my cereal. They also make a nice syrup for waffles. ~Sandra, reporting for ATCAD


The J-Cats said...

The roses and other plants (with the exception of the watermelons) seem to be doing just fine.
And - strawberries!!! Yummy!

Millie and Walter said...

Your garden is looking nice and rewarding you with new fruit and flowers. We hope you soon have new beginnings in your life, too.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you everyone. ~Sandra

pilch92 said...

Beautiful photos and I love the frame the grandkids made. Sending hugs, I know the first Father's Day without your dad is tough. XO

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am sorry for your troubles. Your garden looks beautiful. I can't fix the world's problems by I can control the gaardens in my little square of property

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my, this is heartbreaking! I am so sorry about your Dad, Tuiren, and your husband leaving......(I am shocked!) Well, as they always say in reference to your husband "karma is a BITCH".......he will get his!