Dreaming of Summer with Fenris


Before Ladybug came to live with us Yin used to follow me around in the backyard. We are hoping once she gets used to Ladybug she will come out in the backyard again.

Yep this is the same picture, Mom lightened it up a lot in the first one so you could see Yin good.

Mom can take some of the most embarrassing pictures. 

Hummingbirds love the trumpet vine and best of all it is native to Mississippi.

Mom is trying to plant more Native Flowers.

She says they look great and are easier to care for.

And now I get to go walking with Mom, I thought Lambie would enjoy some fresh air so I took him with us.

Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Millie and Walter said...

What a lovely day you had for a walk, Fenris. We love seeing those beautiful flowers too.

pilch92 said...

Fenris is a cutie. Nice blooms. XO

LOULOU said...

Oh, that Yin followed you to see what fun things doggies do, I'll bet. And we like the embarassing pics, too!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looked like a nice sunny day to enjoy a walk.