RIP Scylla

I can't believe my sweet girl is gone. She had a lot of nicknames over the course of the 17 years she spent with us. She and her sister Charybdis were known as The Monsters,  The Grumpy Girls and The Calico Twins. Scylla was known as Silly Scylla because she was a silly little thing, Love Bug because she loved to be petted and never got enough petting and when she was overweight Kitty Cow and Cow Kitty a name that stuck even after she had lost weight.

I keep thinking that if I had just taken her to the vet sooner maybe she would still be with us. But there wasn't any real indication that anything was wrong. I did notice that she seemed to be losing weight but she had been skinny for a long time. She was still getting around helping me in the garden back in October when we put the green house together and put the plants in it.

 And Thanksgiving she was still getting up on the dining room table and the kitchen counter tops.She did seem to be having a little trouble walking Thanksgiving but I put it down to the cold snap and arthritis she always came first thing in the morning for her Churu and thyroid medicine


 In fact she was back to climbing up on the dining room table the next day. And helped me make a start on getting the Christmas decorations out. And Chimera had the abscess on her face, I guess I will always wonder if Scylla would still be with us if I had taken her in at the same time I took Chimera in. But Scylla seemed fine. She was walking OK again, eating and drinking good. But she did seem really thin. I was letting her stay in the infirmary (the spare bed room) with Chimera as it was cold in the garage and she seemed to enjoy that.

But yesterday she seemed really weak and wasn't using her hind legs. It wasn't that she couldn't she rallied this morning and stood up after stuffing herself with canned cat food bought especially for her last night and this morning but her kidneys were failing and we had to let her go.  But oh how I wish we could have had one more Christmas together.


Millie and Walter said...

We're so sorry to hear about Scylla making her journey to the Bridge. You shouldn't second guess your decisions because she knows you did all you could for her. At her age there might not have been much that could be done for her. Our furry friends hide their infirmities from us sometimes until it's too late. Our paws are crossed for all her furry and human family members that are surely missing her now.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Little Miss Titch said...

She was a beautiful old gal and It was just her time to go. Time catches up with us all eventually. I still miss Speedy terribly and its been 3 and a half years. sending you big hugs xx Rachel and Titch

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I'm so sorry that your precious girl had to leave. I just finished making a memento for you in her honor. I will send it to youin an email.

Sending love and hugs.

easyweimaraner said...

hugs to you.. it is so sad .. we will send a kiss to the stars tonight for your girl...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you, we still think of Speedy often.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...


Eastside Cats said...

Too sad; hugs and purrs.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Scylla, we all are so very sorry. We understand how hard this is on your family and send hugs and loves. Rest well in your garden in heaven and
watch over your family back here on earth; one day, we truly believe, you
will all see each other again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull and de gurl laura

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so sad and I'm so sorry your beautiful Scylla had to leave. She was so loved and was so lucky to be with you for her wonderful life. I know Brian was there to greet her and love on her. Purrs, hugs and love from all of us.

My Mind's Eye said...

Silly Scylla..endearing nickname given to her by Sierra

Charybdis's Calico Twin

You will be missed by all

Lovely green eyes

Lived well, loved with all her heart


I am so sorry to read about sweet Scylla's passing

Hugs Cecilia

LOULOU said...

Oh, how sad for you, especially at holidays. Do not beat yourself up. Kitties are very hard to read when they are ill and seem all right. She is out of pain. Hugs to all of you.

Duke said...

I"m so sorry. It's so hard to say good-by but even harder at the holiday season. Huge hugs♥

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks, we buried her with her litter mate Charybdis. I like to think of them playing together again and that Brian is there for her to snuggle with.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...


Kea said...

I'm so sorry Scylla had to run off to the Bridge. I think it's the currse of being a human pet parent, to forever secing guess ourselves. I suspect that even if you had taken her in, it would not have made a difference. Sending thoughts of comfort and peace. ❤️

Kim and her angels

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so very sorry to hear.

TimberLove said...

Gentle woooos, on to paradise kit-cat,

meowmeowmans said...

We're so sorry that your beautiful Scylla was needed at the Bridge. She was so lucky to have been loved by you (and you by her). Sending you hugs and purrs and prayers of comfort as you miss your special girl.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss.

catladymac said...

We are so sorry to read this, but know she lived a well-loved life and is off on her next adventure.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so sorry to hear about Scylla. She was always a favorite of our Mom's. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

The Island Cats said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. RIP, sweet Scylla. You will be missed. ~Murphy and the Lady

messymimi said...

I am so very sorry. Kidney trouble is a silent thief of our precious pets.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm so, so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.

Zoolatry said...

Farewell, beautiful one. Rest well now, forever.

catsynth said...

What a beautiful cat she was. I am so sorry for your loss.

John Bellen said...

It's especially tough when they come so close to sharing one more Christmas with us, but have to go. Godspeed, Scylla.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved girl. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞 Fly free beautiful Soul✨

The J-Cats said...

I can't believe I missed this! I am so, so sorry for your loss. May Scylla run free now, in the endless sunny fields beyond the Rainbow Bridge. She will always be with you in your heart, I know.