Sunday Selfies with Fenris & Chimera update

It turned cold here 59 degrees (that's cold for us). Chimera somehow got herself hurt, at first Mom thought stray cat attacked and bit her on the face but now it looks more like she got impaled by something.

Anyway off to the vet she went Friday. She was gone most of the day as they had to sedate her. 

I am happy to report she is doing good. She has medicine she takes twice a day and she is good about it. She is also eating and drinking good. She was dehydrated when she went to the vet so she was given fluids there, but she is drinking good on her own. Mom gave her MY water fountain.

Mom has turned the spare bedroom into a sick room for her she has a litterbox, food and water in there and a comfy bed. Mom is afraid Yang will pull the drain out. The goofball likes to chew on the things the Revolution plus comes in and the drain looks sort of like them so Mom can see him trying to eat it. He is a GOOFBALL with a capital G. Anyway Chi Chi is being kept separated from the rest of the cats. Mostly just Yang. Oh and I think I look Majestic in this photo so I am choosing it to be my selfie.

 Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Zoolatry said...

Oh Fenris, you do look absolutely majestic ... but then you always do! Paws together for fast healing for little Chimera.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

A delightful and regal pose, for sure. One to be proud of. Plus we hope Chimera heals quickly and incident free.

Millie and Walter said...

You are so handsome and regal looking laying with your paws crossed, Fenris. We are keeping our paws crossed for Chimera and hope she heals quickly.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

st francis' blezzingz two ewe chimera ~~~ ♥♥♥ fenris ewe keep an eye on yur sisturr ....oh kay !! ♥♥

The Island Cats said...

What fabulous selfies, Fenris! And purrs for Chimera that she heals quickly.

meowmeowmans said...

You look majestic, indeed, Fenris. We are purring and praying that Chimera will be all better real soon.

LOULOU said...

Oh, we are so glad ChiChi is improving, Those events are so scary but she sounds as if she is coping really well and has a good nurse....

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Fenris, thatnks for the update on Chimera! You look so handsome and dapper!!
We send our best POTP dfor Chimera and hope she heals really well. What a scare!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks everyone she is much better she got the drain out Tuesday and today (Friday) is the last day she has to take an antibiotic.