Dr Seuss Day

 Many moons ago Mrs Ann over at Zoolatry helped me dress up as Dr Seuss. So Mom said I could host today's post. Please join us for Brunch we are having Green Eggs and Ham.


 I like eggs and ham

but my name is not Sam

and I don't like Spam 

Thank you for visiting us and thank you bunches for being our friends. We love and appreciate all of you. ~Chimera


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Mrs H and I are going to pass on the green stuff, but do hope you all have a wonderful and fun weekend!

The J-Cats said...

Have a happy Dr. Suess Day.

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Dr. Seuss Day! We love eggs, but we don' know if we would like green ones. BOL!

Zoolatry said...

Treasure those eggs ... they're very valuable now! (thanks for the shout-out, we still have all those "old" Seuss photos in our archives!!!)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

chimera !!! what a pawsum SUN day seuss post two day :) !!! itz pawsum and yur SUN day seuss selfeez gorgeouz and de green eggz and ham lookz dee lizh !!! :) ♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Dr. Seuss Day, Chimera!

pilch92 said...

Cute post. Happy Dr. Seuss Day! XO

LOULOU said...

WOW, those eggs actually look pretty good. Well...pretty good. LOVE your hat and love the kittie and doggies.