(Photo by MoMo) MoMo took this picture of us while we were waiting for the groom to bring her horse out. The lovely gray mare Scylla was riding was very fast and high spirited. I had a sweet natured sorrel to ride and the white horse Socks is riding looks like it belongs in Lord of the Rings. It reminds us of Shadowfax, the white horse Gandalf rode. If we ever get to come back to Ireland we want to go to the Irish National Stud where our horses were born, we simply will not have time this trip.
After our ride we went to the Denny Big Day Out, then we meet up with our friends at the Guinness Brewery (yep, we are doing a wee bit of that time travel thing again so we can fit everything in). (Photo by Sassy) Left to right: Momo~dog, Sassy, Charybdis, Charlie, Mrs. Oz, Ruis, Karl, Roscoe, Socks, MoMo~kitty, Opus, Asta, Stanley, Emil, Scylla Front: Little Pinot (who is so cute, we want to bring him home with us).
And here is the gang after we toured the Guinness Brewery. Arthur Guinness acquire what was then a small, disused and ill-equipped brewery at St James's Gate. The lease, signed on 31 December 1759, was for 9000 years at an annual rent of £45 (We think he probably got a bargain all things considered). As you can tell some of us visited the souvenir shop while we were there.
(Photo by Sassy edited by MoMo) Somebody clued the Guinness people in on what a good bartender Sassy and Roscoe are so they wound up with bar tending duty.
(Photo by MoMo & Sassy) Left to right: Momo~dog, Sassy, Charybdis, Charlie, Mrs. Oz, Ruis, Karl, Roscoe, Socks, MoMo~kitty, Opus, Asta, Stanley, Emil, Scylla Front: Little Pinot
Here we are at Dublin Castle. Dublin Castle is situated in the very heart of historic Dublin. In fact the city gets its name from the Dubh Linn or Black Pool (dubh = black), on the site of the present Castle Gardens and Coach House. You can read all about it here.
(Photo by MoMo) Meet Queen GRÁINNE (pronounced Granya) Grania Mhaoel Ni Mhaolmhaigh, or Grace O'Malley, was the sixteenth-century queen of the Western Isles of Ireland. She bears a strong resemblance to our MoMo. OK, if you just have to know MoMo couldn't resist trying on the crown and sitting on the throne will we were at Dublin Castle.
(Photo by MoMo) After visiting Dublin Castle Scylla and I were very tired. Charlie kindly agreed to watch us while we relaxed on the hotel grounds. Sassy is going to come collect us in a little bit and we are going to meet Socks & MoMo at the The Guinea Pig Restaurant in Dalkey. The restaurant was first opened in 1957 where it was soon the established haunt of the locals and the stars of screen filming in Ardmore Studios in Bray. Regular stars were John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, John Ford & Peter Ustinov. The Restaurant was bought by the Stewart Family in 1978. The tradition continues today. Regulars now include Hugh Leonard, Maeve Binchey, Enya, Lisa Stanfield, Bono, The Edge, Liam Neeson, Sir Cliff Richard, Meryl Streep & of course US (the most famous guest of all).
(Photo by MoMo) Socks and MoMo took a leisurely stroll around Dublin Bay while we were relaxing.
(Photo by MoMo)
Sassy and I are in big trouble. We lost Scylla!!!! For the life of me I can't imagine where on earth she has gotten to. Opus & Roscoe were already at The Guinea Pig Restaurant when we got there, they went ahead a secured a table for us, as the restaurant is very crowded. They haven't seen Scylla at all. I am very tired of looking for her. I am going to lay down and nap while the grown ups decide how to find the birdbrain. This seems like a pretty good time to tell you the Gaelic phrase I have learned. Beagan agus a ra go maith PRONOUNCED: byug/onn ogg/iss a raw guh mot MEANING: Say little but say it well . Hopefully I have done that in this post. (Photo by MoMo) Scylla speaking ~Dalkey, is a compact town with a great deal of history and character. It was designated a Heritage Town in 1994. Since 1787, with the odd break here and there, Dalkey had an elected King. A sight to behold in his magnificent cloak and crown, Finbarr, the present reigning King of Dalkey, presides over most major celebrations. I happen to notice him when Sassy, Charybdis and I were walking to the Guinea Pig to meet MoMo and Socks. I went over to say hello and when I came back Charybdis and Sassy had disappeared, it was very naughty of them to run off and leave me. The only thing I could remember about where we were meeting was the word guinea pig. This pet shop has guinea pigs, but I don't think it is where we are suppose to meet. I am very tired of walking, even though there are tons of interesting things to look at, so I hope someone comes finds me soon. While you are waiting for me to be found so our adventure can continue please visit our friends Kitties - Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, MoMo Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie and see what they have been up to.
Horsies! I have always wanted to ride a horsie! That looks like fun. I'm glad Socks got to spend some special alone time with MoMo.
Our Mommy used to have a horse and go riding. She misses it a great deal, so she was thrilled we went riding.
~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
I was happy to spend some time alone with MoMo too. We have been having a ball. ~Socks
Another fabulous day!!! :) Horseback riding is a good idea! We were so sleepy and didn't think about that!! We're glad you had another pawsome morning!
Momo & Pinot
Thank you fow telling us all that stuff..I would just be wandewing awound clueless if it wewen't fow you and Momo...I've leawned so much this past week! I thik Socks and Momo awe the cutest...and what gweat howseycats you awe..gweat fowm!
see you latew
smoochie kisses,Asta
I love Dublin too and I love Guinness (hick)! FAZ
Momo & Pinot, You will have to come riding with us next time we go, it was great fun.
You are most welcome Asta. Scylla is the scholar in our family. It was her idea to learn Gaelic.
Christine and FAZ nice to meet you.
~ Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Glad we found Scylla. We were all so worried. Thanks to Scylla for telling us the background of all the places that we have been visiting. Makes our visit so much more interesting. I guess Socks and I are trying to have as much together time as possible to be looking up the books.
Happy St. Patrick's Day All! I loved looking after Scylla & Charybdis in the garden - I love lying around in any garden! We had a grand time - and you cats are so very active. When are you going bungy jumping?
What a fun day. Was funny at the end of the day when Scylla was at the pet store waiting for us when we were at the Guinea Pig Restaurant waiting for her. Glad we found her and we could have a nice time over tea.
Everyone, I am glad I got found. I enjoy reading and learning about places. I also enjoy seeing all the places I have read about and meeting interesting people, which is why I keep getting lost. ~Scylla
Charlie, you can come lay in our butterfly garden whenever you want to. When it's hot you can take a dip in the pond. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Happy St Patrick's Day to you all! What a fabulous time you are all having over in the Emerald Isle! Wish I were there with you!
Momo said that she would take me and Tesla to visit you later at your beautiful home. I am looking forward to that.
Have fun and take care!
Charlotte, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. We are looking forward to your visit. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
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