For those of you who remember the TV show Remington Steele this is Ashford Castle. We are so happy that Charlie suggested we drop by and see it. It is very beautiful and there are tons of things to do. The next time we visit Ireland we simply MUST stay here.
(Photo by Karl) Front row left to right: Sassy, Scylla & Charybdis, Pinot & Momo (dog) Emil, Charlie Back row left to right: Asta, Stanley, Ruis & Karl, Roscoe & Opus, Mrs Oz. MoMo (kitty) & Socks
We joined Ashford Castles historian, Captain Patrick, on his award winning voyage of discovery to the island of St. Patrick. Captain Patrick took us to the monastic site on Inchagoill Island to see St Patrick's Church built by St Patrick in 450AD (according to legend).
We saw this memorial stone which is facing the front of a small church , named Templepatrick (St. Patrick's Church) it has an inscription on it. The inscription says, "Lie Luguaedon macci Menueh" (Stone of Luguaedon son of Menueh),This is the oldest inscription in Ireland done in Roman letters. This is said to be the burial place of St Patricks nephew and dates back to around 500 AD,and may be a transliteration of an earlier Ogham inscription.
I am contenting myself with a very small hotdog. If another defective building goes splat, no one is going to be able to point their finger at me this time. And you didn't hear this from me, because I am not as rude as certain felines in my family, but I seem to recall that Charybdis ate her fair share of pizza when we were in Pisa and that she is the one that suggested we should play thundering herds of elephants. I just thought it was a good idea and invited everyone else to join in. But I would never tattle on her and I am certainly not catty even though I am a cat.
(picture by Karl, leprechaun by Charlie) I think someone may have indulged in too much green beer or maybe it was the catnip as we have plenty of both but then again Ireland is majical and it is very possible some fairy folk were playing pranks on us. What do you think?
You wewe so good about not eating too much..I was a piggy as oosual, hehehe, you cewtainly don't have to watch youw figoowe you and Charybdis both look pawfect.I loved those outfits you had on..evewyone looked so festive, Socks was supew handsome..I know Momo sissy was swooning..anothew pawfect Day!
smoochie kisses,Asta
You are so sweet Asta. I think I need a nap after all that sight seeing. Who knew vacations were so tiring. ~Scylla
All those burgers look very delicious!
They were very yummy. ~Charybdis & Socks
They smelt very good, but my small hotdog was good too. ~Scylla
Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time in Ireland!! Food looks great, too! Love the pictures.
Your FL furiends,
The doggies are eating always much more than us cats. Sassy knew that when she prepared the food. And Asta is so sweet she confesses she ate much, but did you see Charlie, she had a complete ham hidden under her shirt...
~Karl & Ruis
What fun! So much to do, so little time. Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves as much we are. We also want to thank you for fixing the Broken Tower. We hated the thought of not being able to return to Italy.
See you tomorrow! Sleep tight!
Opus O'Tinytail and Rosoce McNutty
Samantha and Tigger thanks for stopping by, we have been having so much fun we haven't gotten to comment on many other blogs lately.
Karl & Ruis, Opus & Roscoe, we can't wait to see you tomorrow. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
That must have been a crazy dream you had, maybe too much Irish beer or something? So much fun today at the castle and at the picinic. I am so glad that we all took this trip together.
What a wonderful trips yoo tooks. Glad yoo had funs.
What a great day and what yummy food at the picnic! We are not visiting any more defective buildings - too dangerous!
Whoops, SS just spilt tea all over the place, including the keyboard.
As I was saying, great day at the Ashford Castle. So happy Charlie suggested the visit. Thanks for the background info. We must stay there next time. Umm, Remington Steele? SS likes him too - he is almost, but not quite, as handsome as Socks.
We had so much FUN!
MoMo, Sorry SS spilt tea on everything that is a mess to clean up. Mommy has done that before.
Tesla, we hope you are doing OK. We are going to come by your blog today to make sure. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
MoMo, I am very glad you think I am handsomer then that Remington Steele guy. ~Socks
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