Mancat Monday with Socks

I am feeling much better. Mommy even let me go outside yesterday, I just had to promise to come back in when she called so she could give me the yucky medicine that I hate. We are very happy that MoMo and Miral are also doing better.

The weather was really nice here yesterday. Lots of flowers are blooming down at the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. We even saw some butterflies and there are tons of birds flitting around.

After a fun day of exploration me and the girls came in to take a nap.

Mancat Monday


Anonymous said...

Ooh, Butterflies are so very pretty. We like to jump and try to catch them, but we haven't yet. We're pretty good a Dragon Flies, though.

Daisy said...

I am very glad that you are feeling better. Take your medicine like a Mancat now!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

My medicine (antibiotic) taste awful Daisy. I will be glad when I don't have to take it anymore. Tuesday should be the last day.

I don't even bother to try to catch butterflies. IF I accidentally caught one THE MOM would be very angry. You should have seen her when I caught the rabbit. ~Socks

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I have given up on catching butterflies years ago. I only watch them now

Jans Funny Farm said...

You earned that nap!

Just Ducky said...

Hope your Daddy has a safe journey back up to Whiskerconsin. It is much warmer and not as snowy now!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

He FINALLY got there. He was stuck in Atlanta yesterday, the flights were overbooked.