News by Scylla

I had to leave the Lizard BBQ for a follow up with my regular veterinarian as Mommy wasn't happy without knowing for sure what was wrong with me, even though I seemed to be feeling better. Unfortunately I missed the burping contest, but I did get back in time to see Socks & MoMo doing the tango. They looked really romantic.

(Photo by MoMo)

I guess it's a good thing Mommy didn't listen to me and took me back to the vet I have Cuterebriasis. Cuterebriasis is a condition in which the larvae of the Cuterebra fly develop under the skin. I think this is very GROSS. I am hoping the vet will be able to cut it out Friday, I do not want a larvae under my skin. If you are an outside kitty or dogie please be careful that these rude creatures do not do this to you, Dr. Lisa said she has been seeing a lot of cases this year.

Also Dr. Lisa rescued a stray Mommy cat and her kittens. She is trying to find homes for them. The Mommy cat is a Bobtail, they named her Mrs. Bobby. IF you live on the MS Gulf Coast and you know someone who is willing to give a home to a mommy cat or a kitten please call Big Ridge (228) 872-2088. They are located on Washington Avenue in Ocean Springs.

The humans were gone most of the day. Youngest boy bean got his drivers license. They had to wait a long time in a very crowded building. I am glad I was able to come back home and teleport back to Karl's party before they went on that particular adventure.


meemsnyc said...

Larvae under your skin!! Oh no! I hope they all go away, poor kitty!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Glad that you at least know what the problem is and the cure for it. Yikes, larvae under the skin! Don't really like the thought of it.

Congrats to your boy bean for getting the license. You have one more chauffeur at your disposal.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Yep, now all the beans can drive. There are no excuses for not being able to take us where we want to go.

Mommy says her skin is crawling just thinking about larvae being under her skin, so how does she think I FEEL!!!

I am inpatient for Friday to get her so hopefully the vet can CUT IT OUT. I do not believe I actually want surgery. Yipes see what these awful creatures have done to me. ~Scylla

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how horrible for you. No wonder you weren't feeling well.

We're glad you got to go to Karl's party, though. That was a blast.(Oooh, have to stop using that word, for a couple days at least.)

We're looking forward to a quiet rest. Unless Jan sees the photo we posted today.

We sure hope the mommy cat and her kittens get homes.

Daisy said...

Wow, I have never heard of that before. It sounds very terrible! I hope you get that mean old larva removed right away.

Tybalt said...

Oh you poor kitty! Larvae under the skin sounds VERY unpleasant.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It is very unpleasant and I have to wait for it to get to a certain stage before the vet can cut it out.

JFF we will be by tonight to see the picture you posted.

We hope the Mommy cat & kittens get a home too. Dr. Lisa already fixed her so she can't have more kittens, and they have their shots.
