We Went to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ by Scylla

(Photo by Karl)
We were invited to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ and first Blogoversary. Other guest were Kattenpraat, Sassy, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Charlie, Asta, Momo and Pinot, Charlotte, Riley, & the gang at Jan's Funny Farm.

I am so glad I got to feeling better so I could accompany Socks and Charybdis to the party. I was very worried I would have to stay home.

(Photo by Sassy)Look at the yummy cake they had. It was delicious.

Sassy had brought a pop-up Mariachi with a hole for a face so all the guests could have their picture taken! Right now it's Emil's turn, and you can see how we are all standing in line for this!

Photo's by Karl

The food was so good, I am afraid I may have made a pig of myself.

Here is the famous #1 cat Mariachi band "Los Gatos" with featured dancer Charybdis and guest Mariachis Momo and Socks. I was too tired to participate, but I had fun watching Charybdis dance. She did a really good job.

Parting is very exhausting! Here I am taking a nice rest, Socks & MoMo kept me company while I was resting. Mrs. Oz and the parrot are visiting with MoMo, as she isn't sleepy. Charybdis is off running around somewhere, she had a wonderful time chasing lizards and dancing. Karl has a lovely & very comfortable home, we enjoyed visiting a great deal.

(Picture by MoMo)

Male dancers from l. to r.- Socks, Opus , Roscoe, Riley, Gucci
Female dancers from l. to r. - Momo, Scylla, Sassy, Charlotte, Charybdis

Here we are doing the Jarabe Tapatio - The Mexican Hat Dance. It is associated with Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, it has become the national dance of Mexico. It is highly stylized, with prescribed movements and costumes. The male wears the classic outfit the Jalisco horsemen or charro, while the female the China, wears a hand-woven shawl and a bright sequined skirt. I just love my green dress, and Charybdis looks lovely in red. Together us cats were very colorful and the dance was beautiful.

MoMo is a very talented singer. She sang Las mañanitas for us.

Our thanks to MoMo and SS for dressing us and all our friends (Karl one of our host, MoMo & Sassy) who sent us pictures to use.


The Cat Realm said...

We are so happy that Scylla is feeling better and could come!!!!
Charybdis dance just blew us away - what a talented girl - we had no idea!
Now let's eat and drink some more - the day is young!!!!
Thank you for joining us at our celebration!!!!

Daisy said...

Karl and co. sure know how to throw a fabulous party! I ate so many lizards, I am stuffed.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great party, isn't it? We're glad Scylla is feeling better. If you want any more lizards, though, you might want to get back in line. Buddy and Samaritan are big eaters.

Asta said...

I'm so vewy happy to see Scylla feeling bettew and able to be hewe at the pawty!
I'll make suwe she doesn't ovewdue things and have a welapse.
smoochie kisses

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are all so glad we got to come. Karl, thanks again for inviting us. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Guys sorry I had to duck out and go to the vet. I was very mad at Mommy for making me do a follow up with our regular vet but it is a good thing she did, I have Cuterebriasis. I have to go back to the vet Friday. Asta thank you for making sure I get plenty of rest. The party is so much fun, it's hard to remember to take it easy. ~Scylla

I don't think I could eat another lizard. I am stuffed too, Daisy ~Charybdis

It's really nice to see everyone. Gotta run I promised MoMo a dance. ~Socks

Charlotte said...

Hey, nice to see you all at the party! What a great party! Hope Scylla is feeling better. Those lizards are yummy. I don't get any in my little yard now that the weather has turned cool.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi! Hope Scylla is better1 What a great party! Charybdis is such a good dancer - efurryone just loves her performance.

Let get back and dance!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I love dancing! Everyone thank you for complementing my performance (blush). ~Charybdis

Charlotte, I am so glad you are here. Let's sit down and gossip I need a rest. ~Scylla

Your wish is my command MoMo. Back to the dance floor. ~Socks

Sassy Kat said...

Great party at Karl's, too much fun and so much to do. Thought everything was perfect. Was fun seeing you all again.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Great seeing you too Sassy. The cake you brought was not only beautiful to look at it was yummy in our tummy. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Donna said...

The cat realm, so much more fun than the human...