A Public Service Announcement from Daisy

One way you can help keep cats and dogs safer in a fire is with pet rescue window decals that will alert rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. And you can get them free from the ASPCA. We are going to order some today. Thanks for getting the word out Daisy.

We are very worried about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, & Iris whose home was destroyed in a fire. We hope they will be discovered safe and sound. Right now they are missing.


Daisy said...

I am purring and purring for Lilly Lu, Iris, and Mu Shue and hope that we will hear some good news from them soon. Thanks for helping to spread the word about the pet rescue decals. If we could help even one cat it would be a wonderful thing.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are glad you told us about the pet rescue decals. It is horrible to think of pets being trapped in fires.

We are very scared for Lilly Lu, Iris & Mu Shue we hope they found somewhere safe to get