Under the Weather

Scylla is under the weather, she will be going to the vet first thing in the morning. We don't think it is anything serious, but if you have some purrs to spare please purr for her. ~Socks & Charybdis


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purrrrrrs, purrrrrrrs, purrrrrrs. Hope you feel better soon, Scylla!

Sassy Kat said...

Oh no, I hope Scylla isn't too sick. We have had too many sick kitties. Please let us know what is going on.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

hope you heard the good news about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and little Irris. They have been found safe, hiding inside the apartment.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MoMo thank you so much for letting us know they are safe. We just got back from the ER vet.

They really do not know what is wrong with Scylla and it may be more serious then we first thought. The good news is she tested negative for FeLV & FIV. The bad news is she has a fever, some sort of growth on her gums and her lymph nodes are swollen. She seemed to get worse as the day went on so Mommy & Daddy decided to take her to the ER vet. If she isn't better by Tuesday they will take her to see Dr. Lisa. Right now she is sedated and has been given antibiotics, an anti-inflammatory drug and fluids. We will let you know how she is in the morning. We are going to bed now, Scylla will get to sleep with Mommy & Daddy so they can keep an eye on her. ~Socks & Charybdis

meemsnyc said...

Purrs, sorry to hear that she is under the weather. We are purring.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Everyone thank you for your purrs I am feeling a little better today. ~Scylla

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no Scylla, we are purrring and purraying for you to get all better!!
Are you still going to see your Vet? Please let us know!! Purrrrrrrs, purrrrrrrrrs, purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and healing vibes to you!
Your FL furiends,