Charybdis Update

Charybdis had to be taken back to the veterinarian. Her tail has developed an abscess. Dr. Lisa is going to try to save her tail. The abscess has to be cleaned and she will be put on antibiotics. Charybdis is still at the veterinarians we will update everyone when she comes home. Your purrs will be greatly appreciated.


Daisy said...

Oh no! Poor Charybdis. I am sorry she is still having problems with her tail and I will purr and purr my very hardest.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you, Daisy. We know Charybdis will appreciate it. She is still at the veterinarians. We called and she was next in line. So hopefully we will know something soon. ~Socks & Scylla

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh no! Poor Charybdis! I am ourring very hard for her tail to get better. Please keep us updated.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no. We send purrs for Charybdis and we hope she doesn't lose her tail.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daisy, MoMo, JFF, Thank you so much for purring for me. It means a lot to me. ~Charybdis