More about the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden

This is what the Catmint (aka Catnip) looked like when I first planted it. It was growing well and looked very nice until some nameless kitties squashed it.

We planted Bugleweed around Whiskers' grave.

Here is a close up. I love the purplish leaves. It has very pretty blue flowers. I'll try to get a picture of them the next time they are blooming.

This is an English Dogwood. I think it is very lovely. It was a mass of blooms this year.

The yellow Swamp Irises were very cheerful. They are still blooming strong.

The purple Wisteria is a good bit bigger then the white Wisteria. I hope that one day the white one will be as big. The white one is very hard to find, so I am just thankful to have a white one.

I love it's delicate blooms.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You have a lovely garden there. Wonder who squashed the catnip plant!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Charybdis & Socks were both caught squashing it along with stray cat. They are very naughty ~ Scylla