
I am home!!!! My tail looks really funny (some of my hair is missing) and I don't feel very good. I have been laying in Mommy's lap sleeping since I got home. I want to play but I don't feel like it. I picked up my ball and Mousie but I am too tired to do anything with them. Mommy said I can keep them in my bed till I feel better, since I seem to like having them around. My tail has a bad infection. If we can get rid of the nasty infection I can keep my tail. If not my tail will have to go. I like my tail, I don't want it to go...................So I have to take an antibotic twice a day for seven days. We go back to the veterinarian Wednesday to make sure the infection is going away. Everyone thank you for purring for me. I am going back to sleep now. I will try to visit all my friends tomorrow. ~Charybdis


Just Ducky said...

I am sending lots of purrs that your tail gets better. I can't imagine not having a tail.

Daisy said...

I sure am glad you are home, and I am purring and purring for your tail to get all better. I hope it is not too hurty.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are sending purrs for your nasty infection to go away so you can keep your tail. We are attached to them, after all. Get well soon, Charybdis.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you Derby, Daisy and JFF. I am feeling better today. It is a rainy day here, a really good day to sleep and Mommy says that is the bestest thing for me to do. Although I had fun playing with Mousie this morning. ~Charybdis

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh gee, I am purring and purring for the nasty ascess to go away, so that you can keep your tail!!!!!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We're all sending lots of purrs that yore nasty infekshun goes away all way fast.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

The Cat Realm said...

PURR PURR PURR! We hope that antibiotic stuff works and you can keep the tail!!!!! Purring hard!!!

Blackie said...

Last yeer Tiger bit me on the tail and I got an infekshun too. I coodn't hold it up and the vet put a SPLINT on mine tale that I had to keep on for TWO WEEKS. I had to take medy-cins too but mine tale got better. Sending yoo LOTZ of purrs so that yore tale can get better too.

Charlotte said...

So sorry to hear about your tail abscess. I am purring very, very hard for it to get better.

Karen Jo said...

I do hope that your tail infection goes away so that you can keep your lovely tail, Charybdis. Take your icky medicine and get lots of rest.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dear friend I do hope that the Auntie Bioticks helps you get the yuckkie stuff out of your pretty tail. I wish you peace and quiet time this Sunday...
Love Miss Peach

The Furry Fighter said...

i am sending lots of purrs over to you, so is my brother Castle!

If the worst comes to worse though you will manage - my Meowmie had a cat who had to have his tail amputated and he was OK, and managed top balance and stuff without it (although he did learnt o avoid the more 'tricky' balancing situations)

i hope it doesn't come to that though obviously!!!
love stormie xxx

Alexi said...

We are all puurring and purraying for your tale to get better. We would hate not having tails. Go away, nasty abcess!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh yes, tails are most impawtant. Please let your terrific tail be healthy and well! Dat's our little purrayer today. Bye now, Maggy and Zoey.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Charybdis, we are purrrring and purrraying that the medicine heals your tail all better!! Purrrrrrs, purrrrrrrrrs, purrrrrrrrrsss, purrrrrrrrs and ((((hugs))))))),
Your FL furiends,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Everyone thank you so much for your purrs.

Blackie, thank you for telling me about your experience. It sounds as if you tail was in worse shape then mine. Cause I can still lift mine. So now I have hope. Since your tail got better maybe my silly tail will too.

Stormie, Mommy told me that back in the olden days when she was a little girl kittens would climb up in Grandma's car and lose their tails and that they were fine. I didn't believe her, so thanks for telling me about your Meowmie's cat. I guess two Mom's couldn't be wrong, even IF human Mommy's don't have pretty tails to play with.

I am feeling a little better today. I want to go outside with Socks and Scylla, but the mean beans won't let me. ~Charybdis

Anonymous said...

Wishing you much much luck with your tail! I lost mine to a cancerous tumor a year ago, and though it's better to lose your tail than your life, I still miss mine.

I'm still the same sweetheart I always was before... but there were some cranky days, I can tell you!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mycah, I am so sorry you lost your tail to cancer, but very happy you survived. Thank you for your well wishes.

I can understand why you were cranky. It's no fun having your tail messed with. ~Charybdis