It came a storm

Daddy put flea treatment on us. To get even we called up some BAD WEATHER. We got more then we bargained for, we didn't expect it to hail. We do hope the vegetable and flower gardens are going to be OK. The pond has over flowed and the bridges have floated away. Silly Mommy didn't take the flashy thing to take pictures and hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow, so you will just have to use your imaginations to picture it.

We got soaked, so now Mommy & Daddy wonder did all the Frontline get washed off? ...................Does anyone know the answer? ....................Will Charybdis and Socks be eaten alive with fleas? ........................ Scylla got hers put on first thing this morning, so they know hers had time to soak in, but Socks and Charybdis were AWOL until this afternoon.

~The Cats


Daisy said...

That sounds like a very terrible storm!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It was! The hail made a VERY LOUD noise when it hit the roof of the shed and barn where we were sheltering. We had to RUN really fast to the house and we got wet.
~Socks, S & C

Jans Funny Farm said...

8. How long after application can my pet be bathed or go swimming?
FRONTLINE Brand Products remain effective for 30 days, even if a pet swims or is bathed. After application, keep the dog or cat from getting wet until the application area appears dry, usually 24 hours. If a FRONTLINE Brand Product is to be applied after a bath, make sure the pet is completely dry before application.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

JFF, thanks for the info. We were afraid of that. Scylla was probably OK as hers had time to dry. But it had only been an hour at the most before Socks and Charybdis got drenched after having it applied. I am going to call the vet Monday and see what she suggest. I hate to put more on them.

Chrissie said...

I understand that you can be bathed within an hour or so of being treated..that's what my Revolution says! I'm sorry about that awful storm, I know it must have been a little scairty!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will keep our paws crossed that it was on long enough to work, as we do not like having it applied.

Scylla was sensible and came to the house with Mommy & Daddy. But Charybdis and Socks didn't want to get wet so they elected to stay under the shop. When the storm was at it's worse poor Charybdis got scared and came running to the house getting drenched in the process. Socks waited for it to slack up before he bolted to the house, but he still got pretty wet.