Mancat Monday ~Being a Big Brother by Socks

A big brother has to teach his sisters how to hunt. Here I am taking Scylla hunting.

A big brother also has to keep his sisters out of trouble, if he can. If you biggify the picture you can see me trailing behind Scylla to hopefully keep her out of trouble. She is very bossy, so it's a very hard job. She even throws Daddy out of Daddy's chair!

So far my biggest job has been keeping the little monsters from tearing up the garden. They think it is great fun to play hide and seek in the corn. Unfortunately it smashes the corn.

Our squash is nice and big, we picked some yesterday.


Anonymous said...

You are doing a fine big brother job, Socks! Our butternut squash is big, but still green. Our Nana and Mom love squash. Grampy and us, not so much.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We only have yellow squash and zucchini. Mommy doesn't know how to cook butternut squash, although she has seen it at the grocery store and thought about trying it.

Ana said...

You are a great mancat to take such goo care about you sis!

Daisy said...

I wish I had a big brother just like you!


Socks you are being the bestest big brother...


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

(Blushing) Thank you everyone. Daisy I will be your honorary big brother when you and Pixie come to visit us. ~Socks

Tybalt said...

You are a good and very patient brother, Socks. I know how tough it can be to keep tabs on twin sisters!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you're doing a great job Socks!
oh if your mommy wants some butternut squash recipes (my mommy's favorite kind of squash) just tell her to email us at themeezers AT gmail DOT com. She says it's furry easy to cook!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Tybalt, we have our hands full don't we buddy (sigh).

Meezers, Mommy will be emailing she will also need advice on how to pick good butternut squash out.
