Twins on Thursday

When it is hot outside Scylla likes to drink ice-water.

Charybdis likes to lay around the house.

Now that Charybdis is awake she wants to play Halo. She will zap the bad guys with her laser eyes.


Anonymous said...

That's a good use of Super-charged Lasers, Charybdis!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Looks like a great way to keep cool. Africa has been hot, but we hear that Italy hasn't been very cool either. Guess we just have to hide in the shade and wait for fall to come....

Opus and Roscoe

Daisy said...

That looks like a very fancy bowl! I do not think I have ever tried ice water before.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Ice water is very nice and cool. And it's fun to play with the ice-cubes. ~Scylla

I don't know why Mommy thought it was so funny, that I wanted to play. The guy beans do it all the time. ~Charybdis

Thanks for stopping by everyone. ~S & C

Islay said...

More laser eyes? You cats are making me paranoid!!

licks & slobbers

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's exactly what SS is doing - drinking ice water and lazing around but NOT zapping anything or anyone since she has no laser eyes. I am looking forward to seeing her soon. She has a special bag commissioned woth my portrait on one side and a cartoon of me on the other.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MoMo, we can't wait to see SS's new bag, it sounds adorable.

Charlie, we never use our laser eyes on our doggie friends.

Scylla & Charybdis