Flowers on Friday by Charybdis

I know Scylla usually tells you about the flowers, but as it is muddy outside she is letting me do it. Isn't this pink flower pretty. We do not know it's name.

Our Candle Bush is getting ready to bloom.

The beans haven't finished putting the greenhouse back together. I am taking a break from snoopervising in the shade. ~Charybdis


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What pretty flowers and you are looking pretty too!

OGD Critic said...

That's what that plant is called on the side of the house! A Candle Bush! The side of my house that is.

You supervise like we do, in comfort.

Have a great Friday.

Smokey, Snags and Felix

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you for the compliment Taylor catsssss.

Hi Smokey, Snags and Felix, did you know that hummingbirds like candle bushes?
