This isn't Chai in the video. More doggies have been hurt by this toy. Luckily this dog didn't lose his/her tongue.
Poor Chai's tongue had to be amputated the damage was so bad. Stop by Chai's blog and read The Chai Story to see everything he has been through and how he is having to learn to eat and drink without a tongue.
They have also updated their blog to let everyone know they have reached an agreement with Four Paws.UPDATE: Four Paws' offer was rejected by Chai's owner after they were contacted by Cole's owner. Cole died as a result of his injuries. This happened in 2005, Chai didn't have to lose his tongue. The company knew for three years that the ball was a hazard to doggies.
What a heartbreaking story! And even worse because they company won't do anything to fix the problem.
We are very sad for Chai. It must be very hard not to have a tongue. We use our tongues for so much we can't imagine not having one. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
You should mention the video posted is not of Chai. It is of a dog that survived without major omplications.
And there is another update and since we're kind of spitting nails over it, we're not making any other comment. We hope the victims find each other and sue Four Paws for everything the company has.
Okay, our typing isn't so good right now. There is no such word as omplications.
That should read, without any major complications.
Mommy says that even though they eventually agreed to help Chai after getting oodles of emails Mommy will not buy Four Paws ever.
She is also worried about all the poor doggies that might still be hurt by the defective product. We agree with you JFF "We hope the victims find each other and sue Four Paws for everything the company has."
We fixed out post to explain that the doggie in the video isn't Chai. We posted in a hurry this morning cause Daddy bean is home and he is a slave driver (LOL)
Oh, now that Mommy has read the update and knows that they knew since 2005 she is spitting nails too. ~S, S & C
Don't they test toys at all before putting them out for sale? Seems like that would have given a clue, not to mention the first dog having a problem. We furpeople can be a force to be reconded with--they better watch out! No, we will never buy from a company that obviously doesn't care!
love & wags,
Oh wow! That is terrible. I immediately sent an email to my human grandmother to warn her for my woofie cousin.
We hope no more doggies get hurt by this ball. ~S, S & C
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