One of the most unique things about the doggie was her very light blue eyes.
Mommy and Daddy were very afraid someone had abandoned her at the creek. She was sitting where you park when they drove up. She seemed very happy to see people and followed the beans to the creek, which they had to themselves for a very long time. They were talking about what to do with her when a park ranger came by (they were in a National Forest), he said he thought the doggie belonged to a deaf guy that camps out in the forest and that he would come back for her. They were very glad to hear that she belonged to someone as she was such a sweet and well mannered doggie. After the ranger finished talking with them the doggie went with him on his rounds. Mommy hopes that when we get a fenced in yard we can find such a nice doggie to live with us.
Update: The beans went back to the creek July 17th and the doggie was gone so we have our paws crossed that she is with her person.
Photo Hunt
That doggie does seem very nice. I hope he found his way to his owner.
Whoa... that doggie is cute. Luckily she has an owner. Hey! Where's your beans' wrinkled hands from all the soak? hehe :P
That nice woofie looks a lot like a sweet woofie Mom use to have about a bazillion years ago!
It was so nice of your beans to care about the doggie. My mom used to live in national parks (was married to a park ranger) and people dumped dogs all the time. We got quite a few of our hounds that way.
love & wags,
Poor dog. I hate to see animals left out there alone. My aunt lives at the end of a long road in the country. You wouldn't believe the number of cats that show up on her farm begging for food. People just figure a farm will always want more cats. :(
It is very sad :>( when pets are abandoned; especially as they don't know why they were no longer wanted. ~S, S & C
What a nice looking woofie. Hope he is doing well now.
I hope that she/he found their home. I do so worry about animals. We're all dog lovers here. All pound puppies on this house.
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