Mommy took this picture with her cell phone it is an old picture, she has just now learned how to get them off her phone and onto the computer.
This is a new picture of me. Mommy says I am as handsome as ever. Doesn't my tail look long in this picture?
Socks, your tail is lovely!!!
What a lovely, long, mancat tail!
You do have a long tail. That's very manly!
You look specially handsome!!!
Clevew Mom mi fow figoowing out how to get hew cell phone pics..you have a gowgeous long tail
smoochie kisses to all of you
You are the most handsome, gorgeous mancat!!!
SS has an ancient cell phone that can't take pictures - one less thing to worry about :)
Well Mommy just wanted a cell phone, but apparently you can't find them anymore. She killed her last one, so Daddy got her an indestructible military type cell phone, but it has a bunch of gadgets she hardly ever uses. Mainly cause she it too stupid to figure them out.
Everyone thank you for visiting me. I am blushing from all the compliments. ~Socks
My, what a luxurious Mancat tail you have, Socks!
Hello Socks, you are handsome, and you know how to pose beautifully.
Stopping by to wish you and your family a very Furry and Happy New Year!
licks & love,
(My human wanted your human to know that because of some silly human oversight, our email has been blacklisted by your email server and we are sad about it because my human is not too compyooter litrate)
You're a handsome mancat, Socks. And yes your tail looks long.
Rusty is jealous. He has a tall, long body but a short tail.
Looking very dapper, Socks!!!
You are very handsome in this picture, like you are presiding over your domain :)
And your tail.. woah man! Tail extensions? :P
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