Twins on Tuesday

These pictures were all stuck on Mommy's cell phone until recently. They are mostly of us sleeping.
Here is a picture of us when we were little. This is our first spring. By the way Fin is a New Year's Baby and she would like to see your baby pictures.

We slept together more when we were little. We don't do that to often anymore.

Charybdis sleeps in weird positions.

I do not!!!!!

Can I go back to sleep now.


Anonymous said...

There is simply no weird/bad/odd position to sleep in. It's all Good.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sleeping everywhichway is gooooood!!!

Daisy said...

You two look very sweet sleeping together!

Anonymous said...

aww sleepy beans.... hehe the 2nd last picture looks like yo is blowing bubbles :))


Jans Funny Farm said...

How cute! Cats are famous for sleeping in weird positions. But we don't either. La da da (We're tuning out Jan's laughter.)

Asta said...

Scylla and Chawybdis
You bof look adowable sneeping!
sweet dweams
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

We sleep any which way too! We has noticed Troo sleeps wif his belly exposed a lot!

River said...

My mom thinks you all look so cute sleeping. Do you snore?

love & wags,