Thursday in the Garden

 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way.

We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and doesn't seem to do well here. The red leaves are eye catching and we like that, but the flowers are small and blend into the leaves. They are still pretty though. It gets really big too and we likes that, you are probably wondering what we don't like about it at this point. Well here goes; whenever we has windy days (which we has a lot of in the spring and fall) it's limbs break. Also when it starts getting big the limbs start curving at the bottom and falling over. But the main thing we object to is unlike the other Hibiscus we have it does not come back after dying for the winter. Once it is dead it is dead. Don't worry we will still have some next year. With all the breaking limbs Mommy had plenty to root and put in pots in the greenhouse for the winter. In fact the one above is one that Mommy rooted a few months ago because it's limb broke off and it already had buds on it. That is why it is so small.

UPDATE: We had a hard frost Monday and many of  these plants are now asleep for the winter. The Red Hibiscus didn't bloom before the frost got it :>(

 The Pineapple Sage. It still has a few blooms on it but is beginning to go to sleep for the winter.

 The Parsley is thriving, it likes the cooler weather.

 The strawberries like the cooler weather too.

 Sniffie's Rosebush is blooming up a storm. We can't figure out why the other 6 rosebushes haven't bloomed. We treats them all the same.

Don't worry Sniffie's Rosebush is fine.

 The Maypop is covered in caterpillars. (The frost got it too, but the caterpillars had pretty much eaten it before that.)

 Daddy is busy rocking up the flowerbeds at the Hummingbird Cottage.

 The Charybdis bed. See the Pineapple Sage blooming in the back.

The Roster Violets, they are a type of Pansy and like the cold weather.

 Me stalking a Butterfly. I caught it too, but then Mommy pounced on me and let the Butterfly fly off. It appeared to be fine.
A lot of our kitty friends wanted to know if we has flowers blooming all year down here and the answer is yes, especially in the Butterfly Garden where Mommy planned to always have something blooming for Whiskers. Camellias are evergreens and they bloom in the winter. We has some that bloom fall & winter and others that bloom winter & spring.  In a few weeks we will show you some pictures of the fall & winter one blooming. It has lots of buds on it. Some of our plants are going to sleep for the winter now. Mr. Jack Frost got the Confederate Rose in Fenris' yard, but he left the others alone, he'll get them eventually though as the weather gets cooler and we has more frost.  Mr. Frost also got most of the Candlebushes but not all of them.

Drop by the Society of Feline Gardeners Headquarters and Jonsie will update you on what is going on in her garden and direct you to other feline gardeners in our club so you can see more blooms.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoor garden tour was extra special today, I really enjoyed it because he weather has been so cold here in the UK that I haven't been owtside.
It's lovey to see Sniffie's Rose doing so well ~ I think she's caring for it from the Bridge.

Love Alfie xx

AFSS said...

We think she must be too as it is doing REALLY well and Mommy isn't that good with roses. It is cold here now too.

Old Kitty said...

What a lovely garden post!! Thank you Artemisia for showing me and Charlie around! The red hibiscus's leaves are just stunning aren't they? We are so glad that your mum is able to root more of them from their fragile limbs!!!

Looks like Mr Frost is well and truly about to settle in there in your garden! Time for lots of your flowers to sleep!! But the few hardy ones are still lovely - the parsley, strawberries and rose bush and violets!

Yay that your mum saved your snack, ahem, butterfly!!! :-) Take care

Kea said...

We think we'd like to live somewhere that has some blooms all year!

Right now our garden is frozen and white and will be till, oh, April. :-D

Cat said...

So nice to still see some flowers blooming!

Winter is here to stay but currently our two holly bushes are looking very festive with their bright red berries :-)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ohhhhhhhh thank you fur giving us one last look at the beauty of spring summer and autumm... before the SHIVER Winter kills all the Joy... except fur the Christmas Kind of course.

Cory said...

Aretemisia, your garden makes me purr. No matter how dim and grim things start to look in our fall/winter garden I know we can come to your place and see beatiful flowers!

xoxo Jonesie

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Goodness, you have the prettiest garden! Thanks for sharing!

Pet products said...

lovely flowers and wat an awesome garden you have :), liked those really

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You have a lovely garden! I hate it when the frost gets late blooming plants.

AFSS said...

WE were very sad the red hibiscus didn't have a chance to bloom :>( It is not normally this cold here in early December. We might even get SNOW (whatever that is). The Mum is pretty excited about it and says it is the white stuff in our friends pictures.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a great tour of your garden! I think Sniffie's rose is blooming as a way for her to send love to all her family and friends that miss her so much.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry nice tour again!

Thanks fur sharing!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Fenris!

Ellen Whyte said...

Love those pics of snoopervising kitty - and the sun looks amazing.

Mickey's Musings said...

It may be late in the season, but your garden is still looking very nice :)
We too are happy Sniffie's roses are doing well.
All our flowers are sleeping for the Winter :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So many beautiful photos and flowers today - so little time for us to really enjoy them. We hope the winter treats your garden well - you all work so hard on it.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Island Cats said...

How nice to still see some flowers!! We 'specially like Sniffie's roses!!

Spyder, Sissy, Bambi and Ninja said...

Really great to see your garden! Thanks for visiting our blog!