Socks ~ Mancat Monday

OK guys & gals, most of you remember a couple of weeks ago when I had to go to the vet and get stitches. We promised to show you my battle scares.  Here I am resting on the electric throw after my ordeal. Scylla is keeping me company.
I did a lot of snoozing in youngest boy bean's bed too. He gave me lots of petting.

The worse part of the whole ordeal was they stole my furs. Why you wouldn't even be able to see the scars if I still had my furs.
At least I didn't have to wear one of those cone things (shuddering).

Here you can see the small boo boo on my shoulder. It wasn't very bad.

The scare on my chest required surgery and I was stapled back together. Mommy called me FrankenKitty. She is really weird but she has a thing for Deucalion. She is eagerly anticipating the next novel in the series.

If you bigify the picture you might see the staples better. To bad they don't have a category for Warrior Kitties at Mango Minster, I would be a shoe in for sure. If you haven't entered I suggest you have your human whip together a post and send (email) it over. The deadline for entering is January 30th.  Click here for details.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well we are VERY glad yoo are feeling better. An' we are sending more healing purrs to help yoor furs grow back!

Brad Fallon said...

Don't worry FrankenKitty, your fur will come back in no time... :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those scars surely add to your manliness, Socks. But we really wish you hadn't gotten hurt. We can see you are healing very well. FrankenKitty is a very cute name:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm sure glad you're healing up Socks, but you best start napping and quit that whapping!

AFSocksScylla said...

Have healed up nicely and the fur is slowly growing back. Thanks for the fur growing purrs Milo & Alfie. ~Socks

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!!! Amazing Socks!!! What a battle scar that is! Wow!! You are a manly mankitty to be so brave and taking things easy and all in your stride!! Yay for you!!!

Me and Charlie know your beautiful furrs will grow back all lovely again!!

Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Socks we are so glad you are feeling better. We felt so bad for you!

I have to say "Frankenkitty" is quite funny!!

Glad you didn't have to wear that awful cone!

Cory said...

Glad you are on the mend Socks! know I just love your name ::chirp::!



Unknown said...

Wow those scars make you look really tough and super cool and serious, and ummmm handsome too.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Goodness! You have had an ordeal. We are so happy that the vet put you back together properly!!! Hope that you feel better very soon.

The Island Cats said...

Socks, it looks like you are healing good. We are glad!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh yes--you are quite a warrior. I think you need to stop whapping though...

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Boy you do look like a warrior! Hope you heal fast and feel all good again.

Katnip Lounge said...

Socks, I know how you feel, I had drain tubes sticking out of my face last week. At least chicks dig scars.
We all like your patterned skin--it's cool!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Socks, we are very glad to know you are healing well. Your fur will be back! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Glad you are feeling better and the scars can be battle scars. Your furs will grow back.. I knows about that MOL.. Hugs GJ x

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hey Socks,
We likez the Warrior Kitty catagory,You would definately be a sure win ^~^
and you haz a lectric blanket? we sure could use one here, it sure iz coldz here today.You should be healzed up jus in time for Spring.
Gladz you doin better ~

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

You were very brave. Sorry they took your furs! Hope you are feeling better.

Ellen Whyte said...

You are a brave mancat, darling, and a handsome one, even with the scars.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Stopping in to make sure that you made it home safely from my birthday party. Thank you so much for coming it was so nice to spend the day with you. I hope you had a good time.
I so appreciate you coming even when you were not 100% feeling good and hope the party took your mind off of your stitch wounds. I am glad that you took the shoe favors for your mommie, that will make her feel quilty about not working for you as much as you would like her to. Love to all at your place. Now get back on your warm blankie and snuggle down for some for zzzzs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

All that matters ta us is that ya heal good. Purrs...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So very glad that my warrior boyfurriend is coming good.

FrankenKitty is such a cute nickname. I love it!

Enjoy the electric blanket. I want one for the coming winter!!!