Wordy Wednesday Day 3 @ Behind the Paw 2012

Diane Silver (To Dog With Love, @ToDogWithLove, @CosmoHavanese) with Griffen
Pawl Griffin is a Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (PBGV) and was born on December 31, 2010. He is currently the Vice President of P&G Canine Communications. Griffin earned his championship title and became certified as an AKC Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog. He is a champion of pet adoptions, a good will “Dogitarian” and is passionate about helping improve the lives of dogs and cats around the world.

At this time they do not have a feline counterpart to Griffin, but they have had feline Vice Presidents in the past. I think petting Griffin was the highlight of the day for most of us.

 He seems to love the attention.

 I have to say he is the most charming Vice-President I have ever meet.

 The Proctor and Gamble Team was assembled to answer our hard hitting questions and they had a few questions for us too. I was really impressed that they wanted to know what our blog readers were interested in, what we cared about and how they could make their products better. They also asked the best way to notify the public in case of a recall. We did discuss the Diamond Pet Food Recall in general terms as they knew it was a concern to us.

 The Mason Campus is really nice everyone seems to enjoy working there and it is very open and airy. You can even bring your dog to work in certain areas. Some areas are off limits due to people who are allergic to dogs or who do not like them. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and there is a dog park nearby.

 This statue was commissioned after 9-11 to honor the canine victims.

 As you can tell we were all having a great time on our tour.

 A pet friendly elevator.
 The products.
Past Canine Vice-President
Former Feline Vice-President

Another former canine VP

And Griffen the current canine VP

As you can tell Griffen really enjoys his job. WE also got to meet Duke's Mom.

After this tour we had to rush to the airport. I was very glad to get home...........................eventually.

Arty is still missing. I have had two calls so at least I know people are seeing the flyers and ads. Neither was Arty. The first phone call was from a nice lady who found a pregnant black and white cat two months ago, so I knew right away the cat wasn't Arty. The second phone call came last night from a man who lives not far from me. The cat did look a little like Arty, but it wasn't her. The cat had been hanging out there for nine weeks so I didn't think it was her but on the off chance she had been visiting before her disappearance I went checked it out just to be safe.

I couldn't leave food at the Hummingbird Cottage last night due to the weather so I left it on the front porch. The stray cat did come to eat and was still out there at 1AM when Scylla got up to eat saw it and threw a hissy fit, which lead to Fenris going ballistic. Between the two of them they scared the cat off before I even had a chance to get to the door.


Old Kitty said...

Love the fun and friendly lift! And Griffen is adorable!

We continue to pray for Artemisia's return. Take care

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you old kitty. We so hope she comes home soon.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Still hoping for good news. Where could she be?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Marg said...

That Griffen is so cute. I have seen those kind of dogs on the dog shows and they are great dogs.
We sure are sending many more purrs and prayers. Arty mouse, her yourself home now. We are still hoping for some good news really soon. Take care.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH how I WISH Arty would come home.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Come home Arty!!
Benny & Lily

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are purring so hard for Arty Mouse!!!

Jenna and Sissy said...

We wants Arty Mouse to come home so much. It breaks our hearts when pets disappear.

Katie Isabella said...

I am so sorry and even broken hearted for you about Arty. I know that pain as do many of your friends here. I so wish you could find her or have closure.

Huggles and whisker ticklies.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh Dear we jus heard da nooz.....( da dad waz home so da mom not on puter much las week or so...) we are jus beside owr selvez wif wurry ^..^ . We are Purraying furry hard & Loud fur Sweet Arty Mouse to come home Safe & Sound and furry soon......
Oh Dear Where can she be ??????? ^..^
We sending Soft Kitty Kissez ~ ♥♥xoxoxoxoxo♥♥ ^..^ x6 +1

Sagira said...

Sounds like you had a great time on your tour. Sorry to hear that Arty hasn't come home yet. That is so sad. :(

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Any chance yer Mom can get the introoder cat kept inside somewhere a few days in case he is keeping Arty from coming home? Just a thought...

GLOGIRLY said...

We are still praying for Arty's safe return.
xo Katie & Glogirly