Feb 9th, 2009 |
Feb 9, 2010 |
Feb 2011 |
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Feb 2012 |
February 2013 |
And for you super observant peeps and fur pals you probably noticed that besides getting bigger my coloring changed too. I went from being a dark brown and white dog with black markings to being a reddish brown and white dog with black markings, I also has some cream color on me and in the summer the reddish brown fur gets even lighter. I am listed as a tri-color but I actually has a lot of different colors in my fur. You can't tell from my picture but this is what the fur looks like where I am reddish brown first at the root it is white, then you has the reddish brown section and then on the very tips it is black. And of course I have my cute black freckles on my face and tan freckles on my legs. So who knows what I will look like next year. You will just have to wait and see. But we wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone to keep up to date pictures of your pets so if they are lost are heaven forbid dognapped or catnapped you will have a recent picture to use in flyers and things.
I has had a lot of changes and upheavals in my life recently. I went from being an only dog to having a sister Tuiren (beagle) and my Eldest Boy got his own dog so now there is an Italian Greyhound puppy (Mr. Who) wrecking havoc in my life. He was jumping over me last night. Mommy and Eldest Boy thought it was funny, since I was trying to sleep I was not amused.
Anyway Mommy said I could invites everyone over for a party today. And Daddy is coming home today so we has twice as much to celebrate.
We has some steaks and veggies hot off the grill with some sweet tea to wash it down with or plain water if you prefer.
For dessert we has salmon and cream cheese King Cake to celebrate. There are plenty of King Cakes to go around. And lots of milk to wash it down with.
Tuiren is arranging games for everyone to play, and lining up pup sitters for Mister
Socks and Scylla are arranging rest areas for those who want to take a nap.
I has a bunch of balls, sticks and bones for us doggies to play with, Socks & Scylla have arranged for some mice and lizards to be available for the cats to play with.
Feel free to explore the grounds and anyone who wishes can take a dip in the pond. Thanks for helping me celebrate. ~Fenris
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, Fenris! You live in a great home with your kitty friends!
Fenris, we are so glad you were gotchad by such a loving family. Have a wonderful day sweet boy. xx
Happy, Happy Gotcha Day... I love that picture of you on your gotcha... And, it's true about changing colors. I guess we all do it as we grow older. What a great party. Thanks for the treats and games. Have a super weekend.
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris!!!! You were just as cute as can be as a little pup, and now look at you - Mr. Handsome Dude. Have a wonderful party.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Happy Gotcha Day Handsome!!!
I'll snoof some snow in your honour!
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris! You were such a cutie when you were a pup, and you're so handsome now. :-)
We'd love to pop over and help you all celebrate!
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!!!! We had to revive mom when she saw your adorable baby picture....too cute!
Grete is here leading the way for your celebration...um...us kitties are going to go hang out with Arty if she's got the games ready to go.
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris! Your girlfriend is a gorgeous gal and so athletic! We hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your woofie and kitty friends!
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY FENRIS!!! If I can get Ernie to Follow Me... we will be there pretty soon. I hope that Ernie doesn't get the pawt of that Delicious lookin King Cake that has the Baby in it.. Ernie would just EAT that TOO. THANKS fur inviting us.. I Know we are gonna have a super time.
Oh Fenris!! You are totally and utterly beguiling and beautiful!! Me and Charlie swoon at the sight of your gorgeous eyes!
Take care
Happy Gotcha Day Fernis! You a so pretty and you have the most stunning eyes!
Purrrs Lars and Odin
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris! Enjoy!!!
So nice to see you visit us.
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!!!! (mom swooned at the puppy picture) Sounds like you have a great party planned...
What an amazing party here. I think I'll go find your cat family and hang with them while watching you guys okay? Happy Birthday!
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!!!! We can hardly believe what a tiny puppy you once were! We're headed right over to help you celebrate :-)
Happy Gotcha Day handsome Fenris!!!
You look great either way! Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!!!
And Mom B-Day!
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris! You were such a wee pup! We'll be right ofur fur sum fun and king cake! xoxo
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris!!
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!
A belated Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris. We're sorry we missed it.
Happy belated Gotcha day. You're as cute as ever. :)
All of us at Purrchance To Dream are wishing Fenris a very Happy Gotcha Day celebration!
There's a post for him up at the Cat Blogosphere, too!
Very Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris!
We sure do wish you a very Happy Gotcha day Fenris. You sure did pick a great family to hang out with. Hope you have a most wonderful day.
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris.
Once upon a time you were so danged cute! Now you're just
Mr. Handsome! Happy GOTCHA!
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Finris! We hope you are having a super fun day, getting lots of extra loves and attention and enjoying some yummy goodies. Hugs and nose kisses
Happy Gotcha Day !!!
JC and The Purr and Fur Gang
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris! We loves the colors of your furs!!
We hope you're having a great day and no Mr. Who is jumping on you today. Now let's party!
Awwwww Fenris!! Your beautiful stunning and mesmerising eyes have remained constant as your furrs changed! Yay!
Take care
Happy Gotcha Day! That King Cake looks delicious!
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris. You sure have grown into a handsome dude.
Fenris! Happt Happy! Joy Joy!!
Mes will sing!
♥♥♫♪Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸
¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*
•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day Dear Fenris !!!!! ♪♫•*
¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
Nellie, Kozmo, the hairy slobbery sisters Bob and Cinnamon and Mommy
Happy Gotcha Day Fenris and many, many, many moooore!!! Sorry we are late! Mom has been gone all day!
WOW!! You have a great party!!
Your TX furiends,
PS: Maverick is excited to see Turien!
I am so glad all of you could come and help me celebrate.
Tuiren is having a great time playing with Maverick er somebody might wanna go check on them they have been in those bushes for awhile.
(Blushing) Sagira, I am glad you thinks I am still cute.
You have all been so nice to come to my party and say such sweet things you made my day. ~Fenris Wolf (who is 5)
Happy Gotcha Day, Fenris! We sure hope you had an excellent day of celebrating (it looks like you definitely did!), and that your year is your best so far. :)
Big hugs!
Happy Gotcha Day, handsome Fenris! We hope you have a wonderful day with all of your doggie and kitty furends :)
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY FENRIS!! What a fantastic pawty. Let me just step around you and grab some of that yummy cake....oops...sorry Scylla, I almost dropped my cake on you! How are you girl furriend?
Oh Fenris, we are sorry we missed your Gotcha Day! But we brough you a whole roast chicken...
*drags in only slightly nibbled roast chicken*
We hope you had a wonderful day, you are a wonderful doggie!
Luff from Gerry & Mungo
Belated Happy Gotcha Day Fenris!
Belated HAPPY GOTCHA DAY all my best wishes, you have a wonderful family ;o)
Fenris ever since we first met you, you quickly became one of our most FAVORITE doggies in the blogging world! We ALL love you! Happy Happy Gotcha Day!!
Love, Dakota, Cody and Mom
we are late but the wish is just as warm for a great year to come!
cats of wildcat woods
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