Just Clowning Around Hosted by Tuiren

Welcome back to the Clown Tent, Mr Bear is just clowning around with Mrs Elephant. I hopes she doesn't get too annoyed and whap him with her trunk. But come on inside and see all the clowns I has lined up for your viewing pleasure today.........................

I thoughts we would start with a golden oldie and a very lovely clown indeed. Without further ado I present to you Lucille Ball.


Puddles from We 3 Doxies and Pip from Pip Gets Back In The Game
Puddles and Pip will be visiting us Feb 21st, so please come back by to see what fun adventures we have planned for these two clowns. Hmmm, I wonders if Pip will share his cotton candy with me?

You can tell Ruby is a real sweetheart just by looking at her.
Ruby the Airedale

And  these two will have you in stitches.
Shiloh and Diva Shasta from Team Beaglebratz

This girl has some tricks for you to enjoy. Now where did she put that rabbit
Savannah from Savannah's Paw Tracks
These too siblings look so serious but they are a barrel of laughs.

Mayzie and Brudder Ranger from Mayzie's Dog Blog
Speaking of tricks, I really has to figure out how Nola does the bubble thing.

Nola from Dachshund Nola

Nope you really are seeing 2 Ernies and 2 Frankies these guys are good at illusion.
(Former Mayor) Frankie & Ernie from Frankly and Ernestly Speaking
This lovely lady looks to sweet to come from HELL.

Nellie The Cat From Hell
Our mayor makes a very distinguished clown.
Mayor Madi from Madi and Mom Down Home in NC

Now I has a pro at clowning around to entertain us.

Hazel from Idaho PugRanch
Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz brought some friends from American Idol along to check out the talent. We just had to give Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz a buss (VBP) on the check for being so charming.

Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz
My stars did Wallace and Samuel bring penguins along?

Wallace and Samuel from The Chronicles of Wallace & Samuel
And Daisy looks so happy she has everyone smiling with her.

Daisy from Downunder Daisy

Katie is one of the Real Housecats of the Blogosphere and she brought her sidekick pesky younger brother along.

Katie and Waffles Too from Glogirly

This concludes the clown portion of our circus but there are lots more things to see and do.................
Be sure to drop by the BIG TOP   CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS  
( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA http://astasworld.blogspot.com
Dunk Tank by Puddles http://wethreedoxies.blogspot.com
Contortionists by Mayor Madi http://downhomeinnc.blogspot.com
Carnival GAMES by Roo http://www.roosdoins.com
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally http://mollythewally.blogspot.co.uk
Kissing Booth by Mayzie & Pip http://mayziegal.wordpress.com http://pipinthegame.blogspot.com

Free Admision
SIDE SHOW    Attraction Events...      FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com
Carnival RIDES by Sallie http://romancepuppy.blogspot.com
Stuffie Tamers
 Frankie F. http://frankiefurterprice.blogspot.com
and Benny & Lily http://www.twofrenchbulldogs.com/ 
Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT http://sweetwilliamthescot.blogspot.com


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh WE LOVE LUCY. What a great act to start the show!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hooray for Tuiren!!! We'll keep purring!

Fenris and Family said...

Thank you for your purrs Rumblepurr & Family.

Ayla, Iza & Marley, Isn't Lucy the greatest. I loves watching her reruns with the Mom. ~Tuiren

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Loved all the pictures but sad to not see mine. Looks like you didn't get it or something. Mum did wonder when no email conformation. Great job on the circus event. Loved it. Hugs GJ xx

3 doxies said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA...okays I was soooooo NOT expectin' Frankie and Ernie's hair...it's so...it's sooooo curly!

And they law has mercy would you look at Daisy's eyeballs...hehehehe.


Anonymous said...

Oh they area ll so funny - I like Madi's nose hahahaha

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaaWaaaaah THESE are such FUNNY CLOWNS.... Nobuddy would EVER recognize them in their super Clawstooms and MAKE UPS.
Ernie and I are ROLLING on the FLOOR.... It is a RIOT fur SURE.
LOVE a Good CLOWN... ADORE a BATCH of them!!!!

Bravo Apaws Apaws
Laffin our TAILS off!!!


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Tuiren!
Another fabulous job with all the clowns clowning around.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
Pee-s: Wesa know following your bloggy. :)

Fenris and Family said...

GJ, we are so very sorry we didn't get your clown picture. We know everyone would love to see it. Please try emailing it to us again and we will be happy to include it.

Glad everyone is having a good time. ~Tuiren

My Mind's Eye said...


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

OMC , so many funny clown´s :)

Unknown said...

We have only just managed to finish our but and get round to everybody. We will go back and take a peek at day 1 too. Those are well funny. Thanks for a great event.
Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

These clowns are super funny and super cute. The more clowns, the merrier!

Loveys Sasha

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD this clown tent was too funny.

Great job!!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Alien said...

Hmm... I don't see Roo in here. That settles it. He must have been taken hostage by the gang of Evil Clowns.

I really should organize a search party...


Right after I refill my martini.

Anonymous said...

Love the show!! Glad for Tuiren too!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh my, Madi does not look happy in that nose. Bawhahahahahhaha!

The Daily Pip said...

And of course, I will share my cotton candy with you just as soon as I get it out of my wig - seems to be stuck ...got it, here you go, sorry there are a couple stray wig hairs in there.

Fenris and Family said...

Thanks Pip, it is very nice of you to share.

Alien, Fenris had organized a search party to look for Roo.


Scooter said...

Wow, what a great group of entertainers! Hey, Lucile Ball was born about 2 hours from my house. Hmmm. Anyway, these clowns are all so very cute and funny. Great job by everyone and the makeup and wig action is perfect. This gave me lots of chuckles and giggles.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Hilary said...

oh what fun - and after today the I love Lucy reference is so fitting!

Unknown said...

Ohs Looks! There is mes!!!
What a great cast of clowns, now can wes all fit into a volkswagon!

The Island Cats said...

We always love the clowns...and these are no exception!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are having so much fun. Love those clowns
Benny & Lily

GLOGIRLY said...

Thanks for putting us up in the big top!!!
Love ALL the great clowns!
; ) Katie & Waffles Too

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yay! Love all the clowns.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

Anonymous said...

Tuiren I have thoroughly enjoyed your Clown Tent :D You know Mom and I luv to watch Lucy reruns - just hilarious - Mom has a fridge magnet up with her doin her vetavitavegamin act :)

Such a wonderful array of fun clowns! Downunder Daisy must be the happiest clown face I've ever seen BOL!

Just a great event! Thank you so much for all of your work! Just Marvelous! :D

Waggin at ya,

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome pictures. Kudos to the Clowns!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome pictures. Kudos to the Clowns!