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Ginger Jasper has been a very good friend to us. His thoughtfulness when Charybdis ran off to the rainbow bridge helped us get through a very hard time, so we are very upset to learn that he isn't eating like he should. We are glad to report he is doing a bit better but if you has some purrs to spare pleas join us in sending purrs of health GJ's way.
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Skeezix and family got bad news from the vet yesterday, this is what his Mom said, "Skeezix
came home with us. He is riddled with cancer -- 1000s of small tumors
all over his internal organs. We don't yet know how much time he has
left. It could be a few days or it could be six months". Please keep Skeezix and his family in your purrs they sure do need them. We are sending purrs of healing cause we all know the power of the paw can work miracles and purrs of comfort. We hopes Skeezix can enjoy the time he has left with his family and we hopes they have lots of quality time together.
The dogs do their best to purr but we all has our paws crossed for our friends and we are sending them lots of love. ~Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren & Mr. Who
I will cross my paws for Ginger Jasper and Skeezix, I wish sometimes we would find a cure for this evil cancer. Please give them a hug from me.
We're purring for our friends Jasper and Skeezix.
The Paw Relations
We are sending GJ and Skeezix our best purrs!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
All our feets are crossed
Benny & Lily
We have sure been purring and praying for our dear friends.
Such sadness on the CB these days. Our hearts go out to all of the sick critters.
Cats of wildcat woods
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