Scylla Sunday

Mommy is trimming the roses and training some of the other vines to go on the roof, I am snoopervising, it is very exhausting work.

I has to make sure her clumsiness  doesn't fall off the ladder. It's nerve racking.

Now that we are inside I has to make sure she dust properly. Sometimes she doesn't put the knick knacks back where they belong. I don't know what she would do without me. Humans are so helpless without their cats. ~Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We've never seen a kitteh work as hard as you, Scylla! You have certainly earned a nap! Hee-hee.

Anonymous said...

It is such hard work snoopervising the humans! We can't trust ours to do anything right!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

MOL Scylla! You are such a good helper!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello my beautiful Scylla! Now that you have your chores done how about a nice SnuggleFest?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I would love to snuggle with you Brian.

Thanks for coming by everyone. ~Scylla

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The Beins do need us fer sure!

The Island Cats said...

Scylla, we see your snoopervising work is never done!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mom has you - and to have a paw on the Manekineko is always good.

Terri said...

A supervisor's job is never done. No wonder you're relaxing in the shade. You must be exhausted!

Katnip Lounge said...

TWO duties on one day? Scylla, you are overworked.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hope you get a great treat for all that snoopervising!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Debra Taylor said...

Scylla, I love the way you are working on the knick-knacks.

et lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

Debby in Arizona

Timmy Tomcat said...

Hey Scylla your Mom sure has a great Helper. We know how tiring keeping the peeps in line can be. Why just the other day...